Я использую tinymce-react
и пытаюсь загрузить modern
тему и lightgray
initialValue="<p>This is the initial content of the editor</p>"
theme_url: "/themes/modern/theme.min.js",
skin_url: "/skins/lightgray",
height: 120,
menubar: false,
skin: "lightgray",
theme: "modern",
mobile: {
theme: "mobile",
plugins: ["autosave", "lists", "autolink"]
plugins: [
"advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview anchor",
"searchreplace visualblocks code fullscreen",
"insertdatetime media table contextmenu paste code"
toolbar: "bold underline italic | bullist numlist | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | link"
Я получаю theme.min.js:1 Uncaught module [b] returned undefined
в файле theme.min.js:1
Я скопировал папки plugins
, themes
и skins
в /public
Есть идеи?