Как установить положение для шрифта Awesome в элементах отзывов Wordpress Avada? - PullRequest
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/ 04 июня 2019

Как расположить иконку Font Awesome в элементе Testimonial в теме Wordpress Avada?

Первая позиция значка хороша, но я хочу поставить второй значок сразу после делителя The first icon position is good, but I want to put the second icon just after the divider

Это код These are the code


[fusion_fontawesome icon = "fa-quote-left" size = "10px" flip = "" rotate = "" spin = "no" alignment = "left" hide_on_mobile = "малая видимость, средняя видимость, большая visibility "class =" "id =" "margin_top =" "margin_right =" "margin_bottom =" "margin_left =" "circle =" yes "iconcolor =" "circlecolor =" # 6e991f "circlebordercolor =" # 6e991f "animation_type =" "animation_direction =" down "animation_speed =" 0.1 "animation_offset =" "] [/ fusion_fontawesome]

Тестовый тестовый тест

[fusion_fontawesome icon = "fa-quote-right" size = "10px" flip = "" rotate = "" spin = "no" alignment = "right" hide_on_mobile = "малая видимость, средняя видимость, большая visibility "class =" "id =" "margin_top =" "margin_right =" "margin_bottom =" "margin_left =" "circle =" yes "iconcolor =" "circlecolor =" # 6e991f "circlebordercolor =" # 6e991f "animation_type =" "animation_direction =" down "animation_speed =" 0.1 "animation_offset =" "] [/ fusion_fontawesome]
