Для тех, кто ищет Python, эквивалентный R's mclapply (), вот моя реализация. Это улучшение следующих двух примеров:
Может применяться к функциям отображения с одним или несколькими аргументами.
import numpy as np, pandas as pd
from scipy import sparse
import functools, multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
def parallelize_dataframe(df, func, U=None, V=None):
#blockSize = 5000
num_partitions = 5 # int( np.ceil(df.shape[0]*(1.0/blockSize)) )
blocks = np.array_split(df, num_partitions)
pool = Pool(num_cores)
if V is not None and U is not None:
# apply func with multiple arguments to dataframe (i.e. involves multiple columns)
df = pd.concat(pool.map(functools.partial(func, U=U, V=V), blocks))
# apply func with one argument to dataframe (i.e. involves single column)
df = pd.concat(pool.map(func, blocks))
return df
def square(x):
return x**2
def test_func(data):
print("Process working on: ", data.shape)
data["squareV"] = data["testV"].apply(square)
return data
def vecProd(row, U, V):
return np.sum( np.multiply(U[int(row["obsI"]),:], V[int(row["obsJ"]),:]) )
def mProd_func(data, U, V):
data["predV"] = data.apply( lambda row: vecProd(row, U, V), axis=1 )
return data
def generate_simulated_data():
N, D, nnz, K = [302, 184, 5000, 5]
I = np.random.choice(N, size=nnz, replace=True)
J = np.random.choice(D, size=nnz, replace=True)
vals = np.random.sample(nnz)
sparseY = sparse.csc_matrix((vals, (I, J)), shape=[N, D])
# Generate parameters U and V which could be used to reconstruct the matrix Y
U = np.random.sample(N*K).reshape([N,K])
V = np.random.sample(D*K).reshape([D,K])
return sparseY, U, V
def main():
Y, U, V = generate_simulated_data()
# find row, column indices and obvseved values for sparse matrix Y
(testI, testJ, testV) = sparse.find(Y)
colNames = ["obsI", "obsJ", "testV", "predV", "squareV"]
dtypes = {"obsI":int, "obsJ":int, "testV":float, "predV":float, "squareV": float}
obsValDF = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((len(testV), len(colNames))), columns=colNames)
obsValDF["obsI"] = testI
obsValDF["obsJ"] = testJ
obsValDF["testV"] = testV
obsValDF = obsValDF.astype(dtype=dtypes)
print("Y.shape: {!s}, #obsVals: {}, obsValDF.shape: {!s}".format(Y.shape, len(testV), obsValDF.shape))
# calculate the square of testVals
obsValDF = parallelize_dataframe(obsValDF, test_func)
# reconstruct prediction of testVals using parameters U and V
obsValDF = parallelize_dataframe(obsValDF, mProd_func, U, V)
print("obsValDF.shape after reconstruction: {!s}".format(obsValDF.shape))
print("First 5 elements of obsValDF:\n", obsValDF.iloc[:5,:])
if __name__ == '__main__':