Печать кратчайшего пути в матрице смежности - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 09 мая 2019

Я создал сеть (ориентированный взвешенный граф), которая содержит матрицу смежности с вершинами и взвешенными ребрами.

У меня настроен класс Path, а также очередь потенциальных путей иDeque возможных решений.Если узел уже был посещен, он помечается как посещенный, в противном случае он добавляется к потенциальным путям, а соседние узлы проверяются.Затем рассчитывается лучший путь на основе веса.

У меня проблемы с возвратом строки кратчайшего пути.Я пытаюсь создать строку из вершин в кратчайшем пути от начала до конца.Однако, когда я тестирую и запускаю getShortestPath, я получаю области памяти, а не значения String.

Вот код для кратчайшего пути:

// get shortest path from a starting vertex to ending vertex

  public String getShortestPath(String origin, String destination)
    origin = origin.toUpperCase();
    destination = destination.toUpperCase();

    for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++)
      return findShortestPath(origin, destination).toString();
    return "";

  public List<Edge> adjacentEdges(String origin)
    List<Edge> result = new LinkedList<Edge>();

    for (Edge e : edges)
      if (e.origin.name.compareTo(origin) == 0)
        result.add(new Edge(e.origin, e.destination, e.weight));
    return result;

  public Path findShortestPath(String origin, String destination)
    if (origin.compareTo(destination) == 0)
      return null;

    Queue<Path> potentialPaths = new LinkedList<Path>();

    for (Edge e : adjacentEdges(origin))
      Path current = new Path();
      current.edges.add(new Edge(e.origin, e.destination, e.weight));

    Deque<Path> solutions = new LinkedList<Path>();

    while (!potentialPaths.isEmpty())
      Path current = potentialPaths.remove(); // dequeue
      String[] nodes = current.toString().split("-");
      Edge last = current.edges.getLast();

      if (last.destination.name.compareTo(destination) == 0) // found valid path
      // if not at the destination
      List<Edge> adjacencies = adjacentEdges(last.destination.name);

      for (Edge adj : adjacencies)
        boolean visited = false;

        for (Edge pe : current.edges)
          if (adj.destination.name.compareTo(pe.origin.name) == 0) // already been to this node in the path
            visited = true;

        // if not already visited, add edge to path and enqueue it to potential paths
        if (!visited)
          Path candidate = new Path();

          for (Edge pe : current.edges)
            candidate.edges.add(new Edge(pe.origin, pe.destination, pe.weight));

          candidate.edges.add(new Edge(adj.origin, adj.destination, adj.weight));

    // done going through all potential paths
    // loop through solutions for best weight

    if (solutions.isEmpty())
      return null;

    Path best = solutions.remove();
    double weight = calcWeight(best);

    while (!(solutions.isEmpty()))
      Path current = solutions.remove();
      double currentWeight = calcWeight(current);

      if (currentWeight < weight)
        best = current;
        weight = currentWeight;

    return best;

  public double calcWeight(Path path)
    double weight = 0.0;

    for (Edge e : path.edges)
      weight += e.weight;

    return weight;

  public class Path
    public Deque<Edge> edges;

    public Path()
      edges = new LinkedList<Edge>();

А остальная часть кода моего класса Network,при необходимости:

public class Network
  // instance variables

  public List<Vertex> vertices;
  public List<Edge> edges;

  // constructor

  public Network()
    vertices = new LinkedList<Vertex>();
    edges = new LinkedList<Edge>();

  // adjacency matrix

  public class AdjacencyMatrix
    String vertexNames[];
    double matrix[][];

    public AdjacencyMatrix()
      final int size = vertices.size();
      vertexNames = new String[size];
      matrix = new double[size][size];

      int i = 0;
      for (Vertex v : vertices)
        vertexNames[i++] = v.name;

    for (Edge e : edges)
      int row = getIndex(e.origin.name);
      int column = getIndex(e.destination.name);
      matrix[row][column] = e.weight;

   private int getIndex(String name)
     for (int i = 0; i < vertexNames.length; i++)
       if (vertexNames[i].compareTo(name) == 0)
         return i;
     return -1;

  // getAdjacencyMatrix

  public AdjacencyMatrix getAdjacencyMatrix()
    return new AdjacencyMatrix();

 // add vertices 

  public boolean addVertex(String name)
    for (Vertex v : vertices)
      if (v.name.compareTo(name) == 0)
        return false;

      Vertex v = new Vertex(name);
      v.name = name.toUpperCase();
      return true;

  // add edges

  public boolean addEdge(String origin, String destination, double weight)
    origin = origin.toUpperCase();
    destination = destination.toUpperCase();

    Vertex originVertex = null;

    for (Vertex v : vertices)
      if (v.name.compareTo(origin) == 0)
        originVertex = v;

    if (originVertex == null)
      return false;

    Vertex destinationVertex = null;

    for (Vertex v : vertices)
      if (v.name.compareTo(destination) == 0)
        destinationVertex = v;

    if (destinationVertex == null)
      return false;

    for (Edge e : edges)
      if (e.origin == originVertex && e.destination == destinationVertex)
        return false;

    Edge e = new Edge(originVertex, destinationVertex, weight);
    e.origin = originVertex;
    e.destination = destinationVertex;
    e.weight = weight;

    return true;

  // support classes

  public class Vertex<T extends Comparable>
    public String name;

    public List<Edge> edges;

    public Vertex(String name)
      this.name = name;

  public class Edge
    public Vertex origin, destination;
    public double weight;

    public Vertex getSource()
      return origin;

    public Vertex getDestination()
      return destination;

    public int getWeight()
      return (int)weight;

    public Edge(Vertex origin, Vertex destination, double weight)
      this.origin = origin;
      this.destination = destination;
      this.weight = weight;

    public Edge(String origin, String destination, double weight)
      this.origin = new Vertex(origin);
      this.destination = new Vertex(destination);
      this.weight = weight;

  public List<Vertex> getVertices()
    return vertices;

  public List<Edge> getEdges()
    return edges;
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