Я делаю подобную функцию, используя PHP, JS, Axios и Ajax для приложения, похожего на Instagram. Я правильно могу запустить обработчик события click для определенного a-тега, который я хочу щелкнуть, чтобы добавить сообщение. Ответ, который я получаю после вызова ajax, не позволяет мне проверять статус ответа. Я передаю $ response ['status'] = "Мне нравится" из моего php-файла, но переменная данных, которую я получаю с помощью моего вызова ajax, не получается.
Сначала я создал эту функцию с помощью jquery, но хотел использовать axios, чтобы избежать длительного времени загрузки с размером фреймворка jquery.
Я пытался выбрать статус, используя res.data ['status'], но это тоже не работает. Кажется, я получаю массив с ответом json вместе.
// this selects the exact like button for the post I want to like using
// the data attribute id
let btn = document.querySelector("a.like");
btn.addEventListener("click", function(e){
let postId = this.dataset.id;
let link = this;
postId : postId
.then (function (res){
if (res.data == "liked") {
console.log("we zitten ion de liked");
let likes = link.nextSibling.innerHTML;
link.children.src = "images/liked.svg";
} else {
console.log("we zitten ion de niet liked");
let likes = link.nextSibling.innerHTML;
link.children.src = "images/like.svg";
.catch(function (error) {
// this is the php file
# require bootstrap
# check if a session is running with the correct email
if (isset($_SESSION['email'])) {
//User is logged in, no redirect needed!
} else {
//User is not logged in, redirect to login.php!
header("location: login.php");
# connect to the database
$conn = Db::getConnection();
# get clicked post info from database
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true);
//get the postId
$postId = $data['postId'];
# create empty response array
$response = [];
# get user info from database (get user id based on the session cookie email)
$sessionEmail = $_SESSION['email'];
$statement = $conn->prepare("SELECT * from user where email = :sessionEmail");
$statement->bindParam(":sessionEmail", $sessionEmail);
$currentUser = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$userId = $currentUser['id'];
# check if a record exists in the likes table where the current post's id and current user's id are available
$likeStatement = $conn->prepare("SELECT count(*) as count from likes where post_id = :postId AND user_id = :userId");
$likeStatement->bindParam(":postId", $postId);
$likeStatement->bindParam(":userId", $userId);
$recordAmount = $likeStatement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
# if 0 records found => insert new record into the likes table with the current post id, user id en a true liked status
if ($recordAmount['count'] == 0) {
# first like, so set liked_status to 1
$liked_status = 1;
# insert new record
$insertLikeStatement = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO likes (post_id, user_id, liked_status) values (:post_id, :user_id, :liked_status)");
$insertLikeStatement->bindParam(":post_id", $postId);
$insertLikeStatement->bindParam(":user_id", $userId);
$insertLikeStatement->bindParam(":liked_status", $liked_status);
$response['status'] = 'liked';
} else {
# check if liked status is true or false
$getLikeStatusStatement = $conn->prepare("SELECT liked_status from likes where post_id = :postId AND user_id = :userId");
$getLikeStatusStatement->bindParam(":postId", $postId);
$getLikeStatusStatement->bindParam(":userId", $userId);
$currentLikedStatus = $getLikeStatusStatement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
# if post is liked (liked_status 1) change status || if post is not liked, change status
if ($currentLikedStatus['liked_status'] == 1) {
$liked_status = 0;
$response['status'] = 'unliked';
} else {
$liked_status = 1;
$response['status'] = 'liked';
#update record to contain new liked_status
$updateStatement = $conn->prepare("update likes set liked_status= :liked_status where post_id = :postId AND user_id = :userId");
$updateStatement->bindParam(":postId", $postId);
$updateStatement->bindParam(":userId", $userId);
$updateStatement->bindParam(":liked_status", $liked_status);
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($response);
// my output in my console when I log the res (response) from the ajax
// call
array(1) {
string(2) "22"
I want to get back the status of the like button so I can change the likes number and the image for the button.