Вы, вероятно, видите текст "Нажмите, чтобы развернуть" в конце, но все еще получаете всю цитату. Вам нужно избегать извлечения текста «Нажмите, чтобы развернуть».
>>> response.xpath('//li[contains(@class, "message")][.//a/text()[.="#52365"]]//*[re:test(@class, "\\bquote\\b")]//text()').getall()
['CCS for model 3 coming', '\nWhile article references Europe, the North American theater will be getting a CCS adapter soon.', '\nSee article for', '\n', '\n', 'Tesla launches $190 CCS adapter for new Model S and Model X, offers retrofits for older vehicles', '\n', '\nMartian High Command', '\n', '\nPS: Text from article.', '\n', '\nUpdate: A Tesla spokesperson told us that they will make sure owners in North America will have access to all “compelling networks”, but they have nothing to announce now.']