Я знаю, что это довольно далеко, но я застрял в середине проекта школьной сборки, и, поскольку я довольно новичок в программировании, мне трудно отследить проблему (и) в моем код.
Я пытаюсь сделать виртуальную (экранную) клавиатуру. Значения местоположения каждой кнопки находятся в 2 массивах, один для значения X в центре кнопки, другой для Y.
Пример массива верхней строки клавиатуры:
x_arr dw 13,37,61,85,109,133,157,181,205,229
y_arr dw 113,113,113,113,113,113,113,113,113,113
Компьютер ожидает щелчка мышью от пользователя и, используя алгоритм, находит, была ли нажата или какая кнопка нажата, затем сопоставляет эту кнопку с массивом значений ascii каждой буквы:
letter_arr db 81,87,68,82,84,89,85,73,79,80 ;QWERTYUIOP
Моя программа не работает. Я добавлю полный код и изображение самой клавиатуры.
Извините, если что-то было немного грязно. Заранее спасибо!
ссылка на изображение
MODEL small
STACK 0f500h
;------Image related data------
OneBmpLine db MAX_BMP_WIDTH dup (0) ;One Color line read buffer
ScreenLineMax db MAX_BMP_WIDTH dup (0) ;One Color line read buffer
FileHandle dw ?
Header db 54 dup(0)
Palette db 400h dup (0)
SmallPicName db 'keyboar1.bmp',0
BmpFileErrorMsg db 'Error At Opening Bmp File .', 0dh, 0ah,'$'
ErrorFile db 0
BB db "BB..",'$'
BmpLeft dw ?
BmpTop dw ?
BmpColSize dw ?
BmpRowSize dw ?
;-----Program related data-----
mouse_click dw ?
letter_arr db 81,87,68,82,84,89,85,73,79,80 ;array containing ascii values of letters
x_arr dw 13,37,61,85,109,133,157,181,205,229 ;array containing x value of center of buttons representing letters in letter_arr
y_arr dw 113,113,113,113,113,113,113,113,113,113 ;array containing y value of center of buttons representing letters in letter_arr
mouse_last_button dw 0 ;holds the value of last mouse button clicked
mouse_button dw 1 ;holds the value of mouse button clicked
proc OpenShowBmp near
push cx
push bx
call OpenBmpFile
cmp [ErrorFile],1
je @@ExitProc
call ReadBmpHeader
; from here assume bx is global param with file handle.
call ReadBmpPalette
call CopyBmpPalette
call ShowBMP
call CloseBmpFile
pop bx
pop cx
endp OpenShowBmp
proc OpenBmpFile near
;input dx filename to open
mov ah, 3Dh
xor al, al
int 21h
jc @@ErrorAtOpen
mov [FileHandle], ax
jmp @@ExitProc
mov [ErrorFile],1
endp OpenBmpFile
proc CloseBmpFile near
mov ah,3Eh
mov bx, [FileHandle]
int 21h
endp CloseBmpFile
proc ReadBmpHeader near
; Read 54 bytes the Header
push cx
push dx
mov ah,3fh
mov bx, [FileHandle]
mov cx,54
mov dx,offset Header
int 21h
pop dx
pop cx
endp ReadBmpHeader
proc ReadBmpPalette near
; Read BMP file color palette, 256 colors * 4 bytes (400h)
; 4 bytes for each color BGR + null)
push cx
push dx
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,400h
mov dx,offset Palette
int 21h
pop dx
pop cx
endp ReadBmpPalette
proc CopyBmpPalette near
; Will move out to screen memory the colors
; video ports are 3C8h for number of first color
; and 3C9h for all rest
push cx
push dx
mov si,offset Palette
mov cx,256
mov dx,3C8h
mov al,0 ; black first
out dx,al ;3C8h
inc dx ;3C9h
mov al,[si+2] ; Red
shr al,2 ; divide by 4 Max (cos max is 63 and we have here max 255 ) (loosing color resolution).
out dx,al
mov al,[si+1] ; Green.
shr al,2
out dx,al
mov al,[si] ; Blue.
shr al,2
out dx,al
add si,4 ; Point to next color. (4 bytes for each color BGR + null)
loop CopyNextColor
pop dx
pop cx
endp CopyBmpPalette
proc ShowBMP
; BMP graphics are saved upside-down.
; Read the graphic line by line (BmpRowSize lines in VGA format),
; displaying the lines from bottom to top.
push cx
mov ax, 0A000h
mov es, ax
mov cx,[BmpRowSize]
mov ax,[BmpColSize] ; row size must dived by 4 so if it less we must calculate the extra padding bytes
xor dx,dx
mov si,4
div si
mov bp,dx
mov dx,[BmpLeft]
push cx
push dx
mov di,cx ; Current Row at the small bmp (each time -1)
add di,[BmpTop] ; add the Y on entire screen
; next 5 lines di will be = cx*320 + dx , point to the correct screen line
mov cx,di
shl cx,6
shl di,8
add di,cx
add di,dx
; small Read one line
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,[BmpColSize]
add cx,bp ; extra bytes to each row must be divided by 4
mov dx,offset ScreenLineMax
int 21h
; Copy one line into video memory
cld ; Clear direction flag, for movsb
mov cx,[BmpColSize]
mov si,offset ScreenLineMax
rep movsb ; Copy line to the screen
pop dx
pop cx
loop @@NextLine
pop cx
endp ShowBMP
proc setGraphic
;sets graphic mode
mov ax, 13h
int 10h
endp setGraphic
proc initMouse
;initializes mouse
mov ax, 0
int 33h ;resets mouse
mov ax, 1
int 33h ;shows pointer
endp initMouse
proc initImage
;imports keyboard bitmap
mov [BmpLeft],0
mov [BmpTop],0
mov [BmpColSize], 320
mov [BmpRowSize] ,200
mov dx,offset SmallPicName
call OpenShowBmp
endp initImage
proc getMouseClick
mov ax, [mouse_button] ;stores te value of the last state of the mouse
mov [mouse_last_button], ax
mov ax, 03h
int 33h ;gets mouse information
mov [mouse_button], bx ;saves the click inforamtion
shr cx, 1 ;halves the x position value since the interrupt returns double
endp getMouseClick
proc checkMouseButton
mov ax, [mouse_button] ;waits for the user to click left mouse button
cmp ax, 1
jne mouseLoop
cmp ax, [mouse_last_button] ;if button pressed before is the same as the current one,
jne mouseLoop ;skip the letter printing
jmp doLoop
endp checkMouseButton
proc checkX
mov ax,cx ;saves the x value of the click for later
pop cx ;pops the current value of counter to cx
push ax
mov si, offset x_arr
add si,cx
mov ax, [si] ;moves the value at x array at index number cx (counter) to ax
;add ax, 9 ;checks if the click was inside a button range on x axis (9 pixels left and right of the center)
pop cx
cmp cx, ax
ja mouseLoop
mov ax, [si]
sub ax, 9
cmp cx, ax
jb mouseLoop
endp checkX
proc checkY
mov si, offset y_arr
add si,cx
mov ax, [si]
sub ax, 9 ;checks if the click was inside a button range on y axis (9 pixels above and below the center)
cmp dx, ax
jb mouseLoop
mov ax, [si]
add ax, 9
cmp dx, ax
ja writeLetter
endp checkY
proc printLetter
mov si, offset letter_arr ;prints the letter whose ascii value matches the x and y values found previously
add si,cx
mov dl, [si]
mov ah, 2h
int 21h
endp printLetter
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
call setGraphic ;sets graphic mode
call initMouse ;initializes mouse
call initImage ;displays keyboard image
mov cx, 10 ;iterates over all of the buttons in the keyboard until one matches a clicks location
push cx
call getMouseClick
call checkMouseButton
call checkX
call checkY
pop cx
dec cx
loop mouseLoop
call printLetter
mov cx,10
jmp mouseLoop
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
END start