Я новичок в Python. Мой код должен сделать это проверить строку по существующему списку, если строка еще не находится в файле местоположения, он просит пользователя назначить ему значение и обновляет проверяемый список. против. Я проверил, что списки правильно читают текстовые файлы (в следующем формате).
Результат, который он дает мне, является бесконечным циклом, потому что он не находит строку в списке, даже после того, как он был добавлен. Я ожидаю, что он сломается после того, как пользователь введет 'n', а затем какое-нибудь строковое значение
(Также будет дополнительная строка для if dummyvar in location:
, но я еще не дошел до этого.)
from_location = [ company, address, city, state ] #changes line by line
location = [[ 'company a', 'address a', 'city a', 'state a', 'classification a'],
[ 'company b', 'address b', 'city b', 'state b', 'classification b']]
loc_opt = ['classification a', 'classification b', 'classification c']
Фрагмент кода:
while from_location not in location[:][0:-1]:
ftext=("This location has not been indexed. Please enter the " +
"location name or input one of these prompts \n" +
" 'l' to list all acceptable locations\n" +
" 'n' to add a new location\n" +
" 'p' to print the full line of information\n" +
"Company: " + str(from_location[0]) + " \n" +
"Address: " + str(from_location[1]) + "\n" +
"City: " + str(from_location[2]) + "\n" +
"State: " + str(from_location[3]) + "\n")
dummyvar = input(ftext)
if dummyvar == "l":
print("Current Location Options are: \n ")
for item in loc_opt:
print(" ", item ," ")
if dummyvar == "p":
print("Entire Line : ", spline,"\n")
if dummyvar == "n":
new_location=input("Please input new location:\n")
new_location = [new_location]
loc_opt = loc_opt + new_location
location = location + [from_location + new_location]
Полный код
print("Press Ctrl C with the Python window selected \n"
"at any time to stop the program. A loud beep "
"will sound \n when the program is finished.\n\n")
date = 00000000
counter = 1
ref_fp =(r"filepath")
loc_opt_fn = open(ref_fp + "LOCATION OPTIONS.txt")
loc_ref_fn = open(ref_fp + "LOCATION REFERENCE.txt")
loc_opt = loc_opt_fn.read().split("\n")
location = loc_ref_fn.read().split("\n")
for index in range(len(location)):
while len(str(date))!= 8 or (date < 20180101 or date > 20301231):
date = input("What date is the file would you like to clean"
"( yyyymmdd year like: 20190227). \n\n")
date = str(date).strip()
date = int(date)
print("\nNo letters please!\n")
date = 000
fp1 = (r"anotherfilepath")
fp2 = ( r" filename.txt")
fpr= (r"yetanotherfilepath")
filepath = fp1 + str(date) + fp2
with open(filepath) as source:
for line in source:
spline = line.split("\t")
if counter == 1:
if spline[0] == "NC":
#So we've added two columns, FROM and To
#And we are only operating on the lines that are NC
#Because that excludes the exceptions.
#Now we want to check and see if the From and
#To information is in the reference lists.
while from_location not in location[:][0:-1]:
ftext=("This location has not been indexed. Please enter the " +
"location name or input one of these prompts \n" +
" 'l' to list all acceptable locations\n" +
" 'n' to add a new location\n" +
" 'p' to print the full line of information\n" +
"Company: " + str(from_location[0]) + " \n" +
"Address: " + str(from_location[1]) + "\n" +
"City: " + str(from_location[2]) + "\n" +
"State: " + str(from_location[3]) + "\n")
dummyvar = input(ftext)
if dummyvar == "l":
print("Current Location Options are: \n ")
for item in loc_opt:
print(" ", item ," ")
if dummyvar == "p":
print("Entire Line : ", spline,"\n")
if dummyvar == "n":
new_location=input("Please input new location:\n")
new_location = [new_location]
loc_opt = loc_opt + new_location
location = location + [from_location + new_location]
counter += 1
import winsound
print("\n\n\n----------------------------Processing is finished.----------------------------\n\n\n")