У меня есть текстовая военная игра, в которой команды начинают со счетом 26 (userScore и computerScore).Когда игрок выигрывает, он идет вверх, а когда игрок проигрывает, он падает.
Проблема в том, что счет становится отрицательным и превышает 52 (в случае войны на 51 карте), что составляет все карты плюс некоторые (не может иметь более 52 карт).
Как я могу ограничить userScore и computerScore отрицательным результатом или превышающим 52?
var suits = ["Spades", "Hearts", "Clubs", "Diamonds"];
var cards = ["2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace"];
var attempts = 1;
var war = false;
var computerScore = 26;
var userScore = 26;
while (computerScore < 52 && userScore < 52)
var computerIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * cards.length);
var userIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * cards.length);
var computerCard = cards[computerIndex];
var userCard = cards[userIndex];
var computerSuit = suits[Math.floor(Math.random()*suits.length)];
var userSuit = suits[Math.floor(Math.random()*suits.length)];
alert("I drew a " + computerCard + " of " + computerSuit +"\nYou drew a " + userCard + " of " + userSuit);
if (computerIndex > userIndex && war == false)
alert("I win. \n\nI have " + computerScore + " cards and you have " + userScore + " cards.");
else if (computerIndex < userIndex && war == false)
alert("You win. \n\nI have " + computerScore + " cards and you have " + userScore + " cards.");
else if (computerIndex == userIndex && war == false)
alert("TIE! TIME FOR WAR! \n\nI have " + computerScore + " cards and you have " + userScore + " cards")
war = true;
var computerIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * cards.length);
var userIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * cards.length);
var computerCard = cards[computerIndex];
var userCard = cards[userIndex];
var computerSuit = suits[Math.floor(Math.random()*suits.length)];
var userSuit = suits[Math.floor(Math.random()*suits.length)];
alert("I drew a " + computerCard + " of " + computerSuit +"\nYou drew a " + userCard + " of " + userSuit);
if (computerIndex > userIndex && war == true)
computerScore = computerScore + (attempts * 3);
userScore = userScore - (attempts * 3);
alert("I win. \n\nI have " + computerScore + " cards and you have " + userScore + " cards.");
war = false;
attempts = 1;
else if (computerIndex < userIndex && war == true)
userScore = userScore + (attempts * 3);
computerScore = computerScore - (attempts * 3);
alert("You win. \n\nI have " + computerScore + " cards and you have " + userScore + " cards.");
war = false;
attempts = 1;
alert("TIE! TIME FOR WAR (AGAIN)! \n\nI have " + computerScore + " cards and you have " + userScore + " cards")
var computerIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * cards.length);
var userIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * cards.length);
var computerCard = cards[computerIndex];
var userCard = cards[userIndex];
var computerSuit = suits[Math.floor(Math.random()*suits.length)];
var userSuit = suits[Math.floor(Math.random()*suits.length)];
alert("I drew a " + computerCard + " of " + computerSuit +"\nYou drew a " + userCard + " of " + userSuit);
if (computerIndex == userIndex)
war = true;
war = false;
if (computerScore >= 52)
alert("I WIN! GOOD GAME!");
alert("YOU WIN! GOOD GAME!")