Ошибка углового модульного теста - не удается прочитать свойство 'подписка' из неопределенного - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 01 апреля 2019

Я сделал некоторые обновления в Angular-компоненте, и он сломал некоторые юнит-тесты. Все тестовые спецификации нарушены, поэтому мне кажется, что это связано с инициализацией в вызовах beforeEach. Я пытался исследовать проблему всесторонне, но не имел никакого успеха.

Ошибка, которую я получаю при запуске своих модульных тестов: TypeError: Cannot read property 'subscribe' of undefined

Единственные звонки на subscribe:


Я попытался явно инициализировать ruleDataFieldOption$, установив его на of(mockRuleDataFields), но это не сработало. Я также попытался переместить блок кода из второго вызова beforeEach в обещание асинхронного вызова beforeEach (т. Е. .compileComponents().then( () => {...} ), и это тоже не сработало.


const mockDataFieldService = {
  getRuleDataFields: () => {}
} as RuleDataFieldService;

const mockStore = {
  select: td.function('.select'),
  dispatch: td.function('.dispatch'),
  pipe: td.function('.pipe'),
} as Store<any>;
let dispatch;
let pipe;

const mockConfigService = {
  getConfiguration: td.func(() => {
    return mockNotificationConfig
} as ConfigService;

const mockNotificationConfig = {
  Env: null,
  apiBaseUrl: 'blah'
} as MclNotificationConfig;

const mockRuleDataFields: RuleDataFieldDefinition[] = [
  {name: 'data field 1', dataFieldId: 'mock data field guid', category: 'mock category'} as RuleDataFieldDefinition

fdescribe('ClientRulesConditionComponent', () => {
  let component: ClientRulesConditionComponent;
  let fixture: ComponentFixture<ClientRulesConditionComponent>;

  beforeEach(async(() => {
      declarations: [ ClientRulesConditionComponent ],
      imports: [ReactiveFormsModule],
      schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA],
      providers: [
        {provide: Store, useFactory: () => mockStore},
        {provide: RuleDataFieldService, useValue: mockRuleDataFields},

        // {provide: ConfigService, useFactory: () => mockConfigService},
        // {provide: MclNotificationConfig, useFactory: () => mockNotificationConfig},
        // HttpHandler, HttpClient

  beforeEach(() => {
    dispatch = spyOn(mockStore, 'dispatch');
    pipe = spyOn(mockStore, 'pipe').and.callThrough();
    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ClientRulesConditionComponent);
    component = fixture.componentInstance;
    const fb: FormBuilder = new FormBuilder();
    component.conditionForm = fb.group({
      name: fb.control('', [Validators.required]),
      triggerWhen: fb.control('', [Validators.required]),
      conditions: fb.array([
          dataField: fb.control('df1'),
          conditionToMatch: fb.control('ctm1'),
          value: fb.control('v1')
          dataField: fb.control('df2'),
          conditionToMatch: fb.control('ctm2'),
          value: fb.control('v2')
    component.indexInConditionArray = 1;
    component.submitted$ = of(false);
    component.ruleDataFieldOption$ = of(mockRuleDataFields);

  it('should create', () => {

    // Confirm conditionToMatch and dataField get actions have been dispatched

    // Confirm that we load the correct set of form controls and they have the correct value associated with them
    const conditionsArray = component.conditionForm.controls['conditions'] as FormArray;
    const conditionGroup = conditionsArray.at(component.indexInConditionArray) as FormGroup;
    expect(component.dataFieldControl).toEqual(conditionGroup.controls['dataField'] as FormControl);
    expect(component.matchingConditionControl).toEqual(conditionGroup.controls['conditionToMatch'] as FormControl);
    expect(component.valueControl).toEqual(conditionGroup.controls['value'] as FormControl);

    // Confirm the conditionToMatch and dataField selectors were wired up

    // Confirm the expected value for the 'submitted' flag got emitted


  selector: 'nd-client-rules-condition',
  templateUrl: './client-rules-condition.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./client-rules-condition.component.scss']
export class ClientRulesConditionComponent implements OnInit {

  @Input() conditionForm: FormGroup;
  @Input() indexInConditionArray: number;
  @Input() submitted$: Observable<boolean>;
  @Output() removeCondition: EventEmitter<number> = new EventEmitter();

  conditionToMatchOption$: Observable<ConditionToMatch[]>;

  valueControl: FormControl;
  matchingConditionControl: FormControl;
  dataFieldControl: FormControl;

  private static NPI_DATA_FIELD_GUID: string;

  validValuePattern: string;
  invalidValueError: string;

  // Emits the candidate rule fields that eventually come back from the database.
  //    The 'data fields' combo box in the markup is wired up to this.
  ruleDataFieldOption$: Observable<RuleDataFieldDefinition[]>;

  // Tracks whether the parent form has been submitted.
  submitted: boolean;

  constructor(private _store: Store<state.AppState>) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    this._store.dispatch(new GetConditionToMatchOptions(''));

    // Dispatch Action that causes the rule-data-field options to get retrieved from the server and slammed into the global state.
    this._store.dispatch(new GetRuleDataFieldsOptions(''));

    this.conditionToMatchOption$ = this._store.pipe(select(getConditionToMatchOption));

    // Wire up the selector that cause the rule-data-field options to get pulled from the global state when they are set/updated
    this.ruleDataFieldOption$ = this._store.pipe(select(getRuleDataFieldsSelector));

    // Load GUID for NPI field to use to distinguish between different Data Field dropdown items to apply different validation in Value To Match
    this.ruleDataFieldOption$.subscribe(dataFields => {
      if (ClientRulesConditionComponent.NPI_DATA_FIELD_GUID == null) {
        for (let df of dataFields) {
          if (df.name.toLowerCase().includes('npi') || df.name.toLowerCase().includes('national provider identifier')) {
            ClientRulesConditionComponent.NPI_DATA_FIELD_GUID = df.dataFieldId.toUpperCase();

Я уверен, что это что-то незначительное, и мне просто нужно пройти мои модульные тесты.

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