Мое рабочее место меняется с Office 365 на GSuite.
Как мне успешно переместить макросы, созданные в VBA, в Apps Script.
Почти все макросы содержат функции Sendkeys
и Appactivate
, для которых я не могу найти эквивалентов скриптов приложений.
Для этих макросов также используется большое количество средств автоматизации IE.
Вот несколько примеров моего кода на VBA, который я хочу переделать в Apps Script.
Sub RetrieveCounts()
Dim strBaseURL As String 'This is where Internet Explorer will go when it is launched
Dim rngA As Range 'This will store the range
Dim IE As InternetExplorerMedium 'This will be what actually controls internet explorer when it is launched
Dim sht As String 'This will store the sheet that is open
Dim user As String 'This will store the username
Dim pass As String 'This will store the password
Dim failure As Boolean 'This asks whether or not the receiver failed as a true and false value
Dim serialNumber As String 'This stores the serial number
Dim choppedString As String 'This stores the whole string as it is being chopped up for the RA reasons
Dim colon As Long 'This finds the colons in the string
Dim comma As Integer 'This finds the commas in the string
Dim jobType As String 'This gets the job type
Dim returnReason As String 'This stores the return reason
Dim techLog As String 'This stores the tehcs login ID
Dim techName As String 'This stores the techs name
Dim userName As String 'This stores the users name
Dim userOrg As String
Set clip = New MSForms.DataObject
userOrg = Sheets(4).Range("B6").Value
Set IE = New InternetExplorerMedium 'Open up Internet explorer
strBaseURL = "http://mnet.dish.com/Reports_interactive/DNS_ON_HAND_QTY.asp" 'Set's what IE will go to once it is launched
With IE 'If something does not have an object that it is being run on, run on IE
.Visible = True 'makes IE visible so that you can see what is going on, setting to false will cause the window to not show up and not run properly
.Navigate strBaseURL 'Go to the webpage defined earlier
Application.Wait Now + #12:00:02 AM#
Do Until .Busy = False: DoEvents: Loop 'Repeat this line until the page is %100 loaded
For Each ietag In .Document.forms("theForm").ORG.getElementsbyTagName("Option") 'Find the org number in the webpage
If Left(ietag.outertext, 3) = userOrg Then
choppedString = (InStr(ietag.outerhtml, "=") + 1)
choppedString = (Right(ietag.outerhtml, Len(ietag.outerhtml) - choppedString))
choppedString = Left(choppedString, 3)
.Document.forms("theForm").ORG.Value = choppedString
Exit For
End If
Next ietag
'.Document.forms("theForm").ORG.Value = "228"
Application.Wait Now + #12:00:02 AM#
Do Until .Busy = False: DoEvents: Loop 'Repeat this line until the page is %100 loaded
clip.SetText IE.Document.getElementById("copyspan").outerhtml
Sheets("Counts").Paste Destination:=Worksheets("Counts").Range("A1:A1")
End With
End Sub
Sub Issue_SHS() 'Used to automatically issue the SHS Items
Dim partNumber As String
Dim vanNumber As String
Dim quantity As Integer
Dim workOrder As String
Dim cellValue As String
Dim serial As String
Dim openingParen As Integer
Dim closingParen As Integer
Dim startingCell As String
Dim startingRow As String
Dim rngG As Range
' On Error GoTo Errorcatch
If CapsLocks = True Then
MsgBox "Gayle, turn off your Caps Lock..."
shsissue = 0 'Sets this to 0 in the case the you have to hit issue more than one time for whatever reason
'startingCell = "G" & InputBox("Where would you like to start?") & ":G65536" 'Gets where you would like to start the process
startingCell = IssueRange(True)
Set rngG = Worksheets("UER").Range(startingCell) 'This get the range that the macro will run at
For Each cell In rngG 'Starts the loop
cellValue = cell 'Get the string inside of the cell
openingParen = InStr(cellValue, "[") 'Gets the opening square bracket
closingParen = InStr(cellValue, "]") 'Gets the closing square bracket
If openingParen > 0 Then 'Makes sure that the first bracket returned something, otherwise it skips
If cell.Offset(0, -1).Value = "Smart Home Services" Then 'Makes sure that the item in question is an SHS item
If cell.EntireRow.Hidden = False Then 'Makes sure that the row is not hidden
partNumber = Mid(cellValue, openingParen + 1, closingParen - openingParen - 1) 'Get the part number between the brackets
vanNumber = cell.Offset(0, 11).Value 'Finds the van number
quantity = cell.Offset(0, 2).Value 'Finds the quantity to issue
workOrder = cell.Offset(0, 6).Value 'Finds the WO to issue the item to
AppActivate ("Oracle Applications - PERP") 'Brings the Oracle page up
SendKeys partNumber & "{TAB}" & vanNumber & "{TAB}" & "{TAB}" & quantity & "{TAB}" & "{TAB}" & "I" & "{TAB}" & workOrder, True 'Mimics the keystrokes to issue the item
If Not cell.Offset(0, 1) = "" Then 'Checks if there is a serial number for the SHS Item
serial = UCase(cell.Offset(0, 1).Value)
SendKeys "%r" 'Opens the Serial Number Menu
SendKeys serial & "{DOWN}" 'Mimics the keystrokes for the serial number and hits the down arrow
SendKeys "{ENTER}" 'Hits the enter key
End If
SendKeys "{TAB}" 'Sends the cursor to the next line
End If
End If
End If
Next cell
End If
Done: 'This is used for debugging to find where an error occurs
' MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub