Использование порта USB-C для подключения iPad к внешнему дисплею для творческих задач. Эта функция, о которой мало кто знает, уже существует на всех устройствах iOS.
С помощью этого небольшого количества кода вы можете прослушивать подключение / отключение дисплеев и настраивать отдельное окно и просматривать иерархию контроллера для внешнего дисплея для дополнения основного контента вашего приложения.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
// For demo purposes. We're just showing a string description
// of each UIScreen object on each screen's view controller
@IBOutlet var screenLabel: UILabel!
static func makeFromStoryboard() -> ViewController {
return UIStoryboard(name: "Main",
bundle: nil)
.instantiateInitialViewController() as! ViewController
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
// The main window shown on the device's display
// The main storyboard will set this up automatically
var window: UIWindow?
// References to our windows that we're creating
var windowsForScreens = [UIScreen: UIWindow]()
// Create our view controller and add text to our test label
private func addViewController(to window: UIWindow, text: String) {
let vc = ViewController.makeFromStoryboard()
// When we need to finish loading the view before accessing
// the label outlet on the view controller
vc.screenLabel.text = text
window.rootViewController = vc
// Create and set up a new window with our view controller as the root
private func setupWindow(for screen: UIScreen) {
let window = UIWindow()
addViewController(to: window, text: String(describing: screen))
window.screen = screen
windowsForScreens[screen] = window
// Hide the window and remove our reference to it so it will be deallocated
private func tearDownWindow(for screen: UIScreen) {
guard let window = windowsForScreens[screen] else { return }
window.isHidden = true
windowsForScreens[screen] = nil
func application(_ application: UIApplication,
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
) -> Bool {
// Set up the device's main screen UI
addViewController(to: window!, text: String(describing: UIScreen.main))
// We need to set up the other screens that are already connected
let otherScreens = UIScreen.screens.filter { $0 != UIScreen.main }
otherScreens.forEach { (screen) in
setupWindow(for: screen)
// Listen for the screen connection notification
// then set up the new window and attach it to the screen
.addObserver(forName: UIScreen.didConnectNotification,
object: nil,
queue: .main) { (notification) in
// UIKit is nice enough to hand us the screen object
// that represents the newly connected display
let newScreen = notification.object as! UIScreen
self.setupWindow(for: newScreen)
// Listen for the screen disconnection notification.
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: UIScreen.didDisconnectNotification,
object: nil,
queue: .main) { (notification) in
let newScreen = notification.object as! UIScreen
self.tearDownWindow(for: newScreen)
return true