Unity пытается рыться между RenderSettings.ambientskycolor не работает? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 13 апреля 2019

Хорошо. Я пытаюсь пролистать 3 состояния, каждый из которых имеет свой цвет окружающего освещения.Одно из состояний нуждается в альфа-привязке к альфа-каналу другого материала.

У меня все настроено соответствующим образом, но когда я запускаю переход (используя пробел), я не получаю плавного рывка, но вместо этого быстро мерцаю, а затем он в конечном итоге достигает окончательного цвета.

РЕДАКТИРОВАННЫЙ код (все еще не полностью там):

  public Color[] skyColors = new Color[3];

    // added this just to see the result also in the inspector
    public Color currentAmbientcolor;

    public enum WeatherType
    public WeatherType currentWeather;

    // how long should lerping take
    // I find that easier to configure than using
    // speed - if you don't like it you can use timePassed += Tie.deltaTime * speed again
    public float LerpDuration = 1.0f;

    public Material rainMat;

    public bool isLerpingWeather;
    public bool isLerpingRain;

    // You can store those already in the beginning
    // makes it a bit better performance
    private Color rainFaidedOut;
    private Color rainFaidedIn;

    private void Awake()
        rainFaidedOut = new Color(rainMat.color.r, rainMat.color.g, rainMat.color.b, 0);
        rainFaidedIn = new Color(rainMat.color.r, rainMat.color.g, rainMat.color.b, 1);


    void SetWeather(string weatherval)
        print("VAL: " + weatherval);
        if (weatherval.ToLower().Contains("cloud"))
            currentWeather = WeatherType.Clouds;
        else if (weatherval.ToLower().Contains("rain") || weatherval.ToLower().Contains("storm") || weatherval.ToLower().Contains("mist"))
            currentWeather = WeatherType.RainStorm;
            currentWeather = WeatherType.ClearSky;

        //weather = WeatherType.ClearSky;

    void UpdateWeather()
        //check for change

        if (!isLerpingWeather)
            if (currentWeather != WeatherType.RainStorm) rainMat.color = rainFaidedOut;

            switch (currentWeather)
                case WeatherType.RainStorm:

                    RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor = skyColors[2];

                case WeatherType.ClearSky:

                    RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor = skyColors[0];

                case WeatherType.Clouds:

                    RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor = skyColors[1];



    IEnumerator GetWeather()

        //LA = [34.05, -118.24]
        string url;

        WWW www = new WWW(url);
        yield return www;
        if (www.error == null)

            var N = JSON.Parse(www.text);

            string weatherid = N["weather"][0]["description"];

            Debug.Log("ERROR: " + www.error);



    private IEnumerator CycleWeather()
        if (isLerpingWeather) yield break;

        isLerpingWeather = true;

        // get target color
        var currentIndex = (int)currentWeather;
        var newIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % skyColors.Length;
        var targetColor = skyColors[newIndex];
        currentWeather = (WeatherType)newIndex;

        // Here I just guessed you want that the rainMat is already
        // set to invisible when the weather has changed
        // except for RainStorm
        if (currentWeather != WeatherType.RainStorm) rainMat.color = rainFaidedOut;

        // get current color
        var currentColor = RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor;

        var timePassed = 0f;
            RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor = Color.Lerp(currentColor, targetColor, timePassed / LerpDuration);

            // added this just to see it in the inspector
            currentAmbientcolor = RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor;

            timePassed += Time.deltaTime;

            yield return null;
        } while (timePassed < LerpDuration);

        // just to be sure there is no over/under shooting set the target value in the end
        RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor = targetColor;

        // added this just to see it in the inspector
        currentAmbientcolor = RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor;

        isLerpingWeather = false;

        // after the currentWeather has changed start the LerpingRain routine
        // for the two cases where you want it
        // since you already have set the RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor = targetColor;
        // there is reason to do so every frame again
        if (currentWeather != WeatherType.RainStorm) StartCoroutine(LerpingRain());

    private IEnumerator LerpingRain()
        // skip if already lerping rain to avoid parallel routines
        if (isLerpingRain) yield break;
        // also skip if currently lerping wheather to avoid parallel routines
        if (isLerpingWeather) yield break;

        // set flag to be sure no other routine will be running
        isLerpingRain = true;

        var timePassed = 0f;
            rainMat.color = Color.Lerp(rainFaidedOut, rainFaidedIn, timePassed / LerpDuration);

            timePassed += Time.deltaTime;

            yield return null;
        } while (timePassed < LerpDuration);

        rainMat.color = rainFaidedIn;

        isLerpingRain = false;

    // Now only used to get the input
    private void Update()

        currentAmbientcolor = RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor;
        // You want GetKeyDown here to execute this only once instead of every frame!
        if (Input.GetKey("space") && !isLerpingWeather)
            print("changing weather");

            // Interrupt current routines

Есть ли что-то, что мне не хватает?

1 Ответ

1 голос
/ 13 апреля 2019

Я рекомендую использовать Coroutine . Было бы проще контролировать, чем делать все в Update:

Мне пришлось немного придумать ваши используемые типы данных и значения, но я думаю, что это должно приблизиться к тому, что вы используете:

public class LerpExample : MonoBehaviour
    public Color[] skyColors = new Color[3];

    // added this just to see the result also in the inspector
    public Color currentAmbientcolor;

    public enum WeatherType
    public WeatherType currentWeather;

    // how long should lerping take
    // I find that easier to configure than using
    // speed - if you don't like it you can use timePassed += Tie.deltaTime * speed again
    public float LerpDuration = 1.0f;

    public Material rainMat;

    public bool isLerpingWeather;
    public bool isLerpingRain;

    // You can store those already in the beginning
    // makes it a bit better performance
    private Color rainFaidedOut;
    private Color rainFaidedIn;

    private void Awake()
        rainFaidedOut = new Color(rainMat.color.r, rainMat.color.g, rainMat.color.b, 0);
        rainFaidedIn = new Color(rainMat.color.r, rainMat.color.g, rainMat.color.b, 1);

    private IEnumerator CycleWeather()
        if (isLerpingWeather) yield break;

        isLerpingWeather = true;

        // get target color
        var currentIndex = (int)currentWeather;
        var newIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % skyColors.Length;
        var targetColor = skyColors[newIndex];
        currentWeather = (WeatherType)newIndex;

        // Here I just guessed you want that the rainMat is already
        // set to invisible when the weather has changed
        // except for RainStorm
        if (currentWeather != WeatherType.RainStorm) rainMat.color = rainFaidedOut;

        // get current color
        var currentColor = RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor;

        var timePassed = 0f;
            RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor = Color.Lerp(currentColor, targetColor, timePassed / LerpDuration);

            // added this just to see it in the inspector
            currentAmbientcolor = RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor;

            timePassed += Time.deltaTime;

            yield return null;
        } while (timePassed < LerpDuration);

        // just to be sure there is no over/under shooting set the target value in the end
        RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor = targetColor;

        // added this just to see it in the inspector
        currentAmbientcolor = RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor;

        isLerpingWeather = false;

        // after the currentWeather has changed start the LerpingRain routine
        // for the two cases where you want it
        // since you already have set the RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor = targetColor;
        // there is reason to do so every frame again
        if (currentWeather != WeatherType.RainStorm) StartCoroutine(LerpingRain());

    private IEnumerator LerpingRain()
        // skip if already lerping rain to avoid parallel routines
        if (isLerpingRain) yield break;
        // also skip if currently lerping wheather to avoid parallel routines
        if (isLerpingWeather) yield break;

        // set flag to be sure no other routine will be running
        isLerpingRain = true;

        var timePassed = 0f;
            rainMat.color = Color.Lerp(rainFaidedOut, rainFaidedIn, timePassed / LerpDuration);

            timePassed += Time.deltaTime;

            yield return null;
        } while (timePassed < LerpDuration);

        rainMat.color = rainFaidedIn;

        isLerpingRain = false;

    // Now only used to get the input
    private void Update()
        // You want GetKeyDown here to execute this only once instead of every frame!
        if (Input.GetKey("space") && !isLerpingWeather)
            print("changing weather");

            // Interrupt current routines

Куб предназначен для имитации дождя. Материал исчезает. Сфера имеет нормальный белый материал и предназначена для визуального отражения окружающего цвета.

enter image description here

Я не уверен на 100%, если это ведет себя именно так, как вы хотели достичь, но моя цель состояла в том, чтобы показать вам, как использовать сопрограммы вместо всех этих флагов и проверок внутри метода Update.
