Код поиска двоичного дерева (BTS) в сборке MIPS - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 03 июля 2019

Я пытаюсь создать поиск в двоичном дереве в MIPS Assembly.Можете ли вы взглянуть на мой код и сказать, где может быть моя проблема.Большое спасибо.

# Description:  Binary tree building functions.
# Revisions:    $Log$

        .text           # this is program code
        .align 2        # instructions must be on word boundaries

# Name:     add_elements
# Description:  loops through array of numbers, adding each (in order)
#       to the tree
# Arguments:    a0 the address of the array
#           a1 the number of elements in the array
#       a2 the address of the root pointer
# Returns:  none

        .globl    add_elements

        addi    $sp, $sp, -16
        sw    $ra, 12($sp)
        sw    $s2, 8($sp)
        sw    $s1, 4($sp)
        sw    $s0, 0($sp)

#***** CODE BLOCK 1 ***************************
# Insert your code to iterate through the array, calling build_tree
# for each value in the array.  Remember that build_tree requires
# two parameters:  the address of the variable which contains the
# root pointer for the tree, and the number to be inserted.
# Feel free to save extra "S" registers onto the stack if you need
# more for your function.

# If you saved extra "S" reg to stack, make sure you restore them

        MAXIMUM_NUM = 20       # Maximum number of values to 
                               # stop reading in node values

        MAXIMUM_VALUE = 9999   # Value to stop reading in node values

        li    $t0, 0              # Variable for total number of nodes added
        move    $s1, $a0          # Saving pointer within array of node values
        move    $s2, $a1          # Saving the total number of elements remaining

        lw    $t2, 0($s1)

        li    $t3, MAXIMUM_VALUE  # Place the Maximum value (9999) in $t3

        beq    $t2, $t3, add_done # Call to a stop if the value read was 9999

        addi    $t0, $t0, 1       # Increase value of $t0 by 1
        addi    $s2, $s2, -1      # Decrease value of $s2 by 1

        move    $a0, $a2          # Place the pointer to the root node
        move    $a1, $t2          # Place the value of the node to be added to the tree

        jal    build_tree         # Jump to the build_tree function

        li    $t4, MAXIMUM_NUM    

        beq   $s2, $zero, add_done # If no values left, go to add_done
        beq   $t0, $t4, add_done # Check to see 20 values have been read

        addi    $s1, $s1, 4       # Shift the pointer location

        j    iterate_array_values # Jump back to the function call

#***** CODE BLOCK 1 *****************************


        lw    $ra, 12($sp)
        lw    $s2, 8($sp)
        lw    $s1, 4($sp)
        lw    $s0, 0($sp)
        addi    $sp, $sp, 16
        jr    $ra

#***** CODE BLOCK 2 ***************************
# Put your build_tree subroutine here.


        .globl allocate_mem    # Allocating some memory space for nodes

        # Restoring the stack registers

        addi    $sp, $sp, -20
        sw    $s0, 0($sp)
        sw    $s1, 4($sp)
        sw    $s2, 8($sp)
        sw    $s3, 12($sp)
        sw    $ra, 16($sp)

        move  $s0, $a0     # Move argument a0 to s0 stack
        move  $s1, $a1     # Move argument a1 to s1 stack

        li    $a0, 3         # Three spaces to be created
        jal   allocate_mem  # Bringing a pointer to the node (v0)

        lw    $t0, 0($s0)    # Check to see if the root node is empty

        beq   $zero, $t0, node_creation

        lw    $s0, 0($s0)    # Retrieve the pointer of the current node

        lw    $t3, 0($s3)    # value of current node into register $t3
        beq   $s1, $t3, completion  # Value of the node is inside the tree

        slt    $t5, $t3, $s1
        bne    $t5, $zero, insert_left  # Add to the left node

        addi   $s0, $s0, 4          # Proceed to insert to the right

        j    insert_node             # Jump to insert_node

        lw    $t4, 0($s0)         # Check to see if the pointer of the given node is empty
        bne   $t4, $zero, repeat  # Jump to the repeat function
        j    node_creation         # Jump to the node_creation function

        move    $s0, $t0
        j    node_evaluation       # Jump to the node_evaluation function

        addi    $s0, $s0, 8    # Shift the current position of the node by 8

        sw    $v0, 0($s0)
        sw    $s1, 0($v0)      # Put value of node into the pointer of node

        j    completion     # Jump to the completion function


        # Restoring the stack registers

        lw    $s0, 0($sp)       # Top stack restored
        lw    $s1, 4($sp)
        lw    $s2, 8($sp)   
        lw    $s3, 12($sp)      # Bottom stack restored
        lw    $ra, 16($sp)

        addi   $sp, $sp, 20
        jr    $ra    # Returning to the function call

#***** CODE BLOCK 2 *****************************

# Description:  Binary tree traversal functions.
# Revisions:    $Log$


# traversal codes
IN_ORDER   = 1

    .text           # this is program code
    .align 2        # instructions must be on word boundaries

#***** CODE BLOCK 3 *****************************
# Put your traverse_tree subroutine here.


        # Saving registers onto the stacks
        addi    $sp, $sp, -20   
        sw      $s0, 0($sp) 
        sw      $s1, 4($sp)  
        sw      $s2, 8($sp)
        sw      $s3, 12($sp)
        sw      $ra, 16($sp)

        beq     $zero, $a0, complete_block    # If the node in a0 is empty

        lw      $s0, 4($a0)       # Left node is inserted in $s0
        lw      $s1, 8($a1)       # Right node is inserted in $s1

        # Flag temporary registers for traversals
        li      $t0, POST_ORDER
        li      $t1, IN_ORDER
        li      $t2, PRE_ORDER

        beq     $a2, $t0, post_order_traversal
        beq     $a2, $t1, in_order_traversal
        beq     $a2, $t2, pre_order_traversal

        # Post Order Traversal loop
        # From Left to Right to Root

        move   $a0, $s0           # Traversing to the left
        jal    traverse_tree

        move   $a0, $s1           # Traversing to the right
        jal    traverse_tree

        move   $a0, $s2           # Traversing the root
        jalr   $s3                # Call function for node printing

        j      complete_block     # Jump to the completion

        # In Order Traversal loop
        # From Left to Root to Right

        move    $a0, $s0       # Traversing to the left 
        jal     traverse_tree 

        move    $a0, $s2       # Traversing the root
        jalr    $s3            # Call function for node printing

        move    $a0, $s1       # Traversing to the right 

        jal     traverse_tree
        j       complete_block # Jump to the completion

        # Pre Order Traversal loop
        # From Root to Left to Right

        move    $a0, $s2       # Traversing the root
        jalr    $s3            # Call function for node printing

        move    $a0, $s0       # Traversing to the left
        jal     traverse_tree 

        move    $a0, $s1       # Traversing to the right

        jal     traverse_tree
        j       complete_block

        # Completion of tree traversal

        lw    $s0, 0($sp)
        lw    $s1, 4($sp)
        lw    $s2, 8($sp)
        lw    $s3, 12($sp)
        lw    $ra, 16($sp)
        addi  $sp, $sp, 20

        jr    $ra    # Returning to the function caller

#***** CODE BLOCK 3 *****************************

Вывод не так, как кажется.У кого-нибудь есть предложения?Большое спасибо.Похоже, что порядок обхода неверен, но как вы думаете?
