Нет необходимости во временной таблице, просто создайте ранг и сделайте на нем инструкцию case, чтобы заполнить первую строку api_cost. Я не знаю, какую строку вы хотите, поэтому поиграйтесь с предложением «order by», чтобы получить эту строку, которую вы хотите.
/* Building out your data to a "temp table" */
with table1 as
(select 1111 as acct, 'john' as name, 'hampton' as city, 30 as split_cost, 90 as
api_cost from dual union all
select 1111 as acct, 'john' as name, 'hampton' as city, 40 as split_cost, 90 as
api_cost from dual union all
select 1111 as acct, 'john' as name, 'hampton' as city, 20 as split_cost, 90 as
api_cost from dual union all
select 1111 as acct, 'john' as name, 'hampton' as city, 20 as split_cost, 90 as
api_cost from dual)
/* You need nothing above here, just below */
select acct, name, city, split_cost,
case when rank() over (partition by acct, name, city order by split_cost, rownum) =
1 then api_cost
else null
end as api_cost
from table1; --substitute your table name here
1111 john hampton 20 90
1111 john hampton 20
1111 john hampton 30
1111 john hampton 40