Я использую версию Scala xgboost4j для обучения линейной модели и получаю /xgboost/src/objective/regression_obj.cu:64: Check failed: info.labels_.Size() != 0U (0 vs. 0) label set cannot be empty
Я пытался использовать dtrain.getLabel
, у него есть метки действительного значения
нижемой фрагмент кода
def train(dtrain: DMatrix, dtest: DMatrix, round: Int, earlyStoppingRound: Int = EARLY_STOPPING_ROUND): Booster = {
val params = initParams
val watches = initWatches(dtrain, dtest)
XGBoost.train(dtrain, params, round, watches, earlyStoppingRound = earlyStoppingRound)
def initParams: Map[String, Any] = {
val params = new mutable.HashMap[String, Any]()
// General Parameters
params += "booster" -> "gbtree"
params += "verbosity" -> 3
params += "nthread" -> 16
// Parameters for Tree Booster
params += "eta" -> 0.08 // learning rate
params += "gamma" -> 0
params += "max_depth" -> 6
params += "min_child_weight" -> 5
params += "subsample" -> 0.75
params += "colsample_bylevel" -> 0.5
params += "alpha" -> 2.0
params += "lambda" -> 0.5
params += "scale_pos_weight" -> 1
// Learning Task Parameters
params += "objective" -> "reg:linear"
// params += "base_score" -> 0.5
// params += "eval_metric" -> "rmse"
def initWatches(dtrain: DMatrix, dtest: DMatrix): Map[String, DMatrix] = {
val watches = new mutable.HashMap[String, DMatrix]
watches += "train" -> dtrain
watches += "test" -> dtest
вот исключение, с которым я столкнулся,
Exception in thread "main" ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.java.XGBoostError: [10:14:41] /xgboost/src/objective/regression_obj.cu:64: Check failed: info.labels_.Size() != 0U (0 vs. 0) label set cannot be empty
Stack trace returned 6 entries:
[bt] (0) /tmp/libxgboost4j7469096669937497973.so(dmlc::StackTrace(unsigned long)+0x51) [0x7f4e2a489f21]
[bt] (1) /tmp/libxgboost4j7469096669937497973.so(dmlc::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal()+0x1d) [0x7f4e2a48ad3d]
[bt] (2) /tmp/libxgboost4j7469096669937497973.so(xgboost::obj::RegLossObj<xgboost::obj::LinearSquareLoss>::GetGradient(xgboost::HostDeviceVector<float> const&, xgboost::MetaInfo const&, int, xgboost::HostDeviceVector<xgboost::detail::GradientPairInternal<float> >*)+0xd5) [0x7f4e2a5905e5]
[bt] (3) /tmp/libxgboost4j7469096669937497973.so(xgboost::LearnerImpl::UpdateOneIter(int, xgboost::DMatrix*)+0x37d) [0x7f4e2a51be8d]
[bt] (4) /tmp/libxgboost4j7469096669937497973.so(XGBoosterUpdateOneIter+0x35) [0x7f4e2a491955]
[bt] (5) [0x7f538fb12747]
at ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.java.XGBoostJNI.checkCall(XGBoostJNI.java:48)
at ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.java.Booster.update(Booster.java:127)
at ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.java.XGBoost.train(XGBoost.java:190)
at ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.XGBoost$.train(XGBoost.scala:64)
at com.zhihu.userprofile.pipeline.process.interests.KeywordInterestTrain.train(KeywordInterestTrain.scala:384)