Как раздать значения функции, которая, в свою очередь, сама взяла значения? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 13 апреля 2019

Я то, что большинство людей, вероятно, считают начинающим программистом. Я довольно неплохо продвигаюсь в попытке сделать свою собственную текстовую «игру», и она уже состоит из четырех отдельных модулей. Все работает великолепно в том смысле, что оно начинается с «меню» для игры, в котором оно использует библиотеку cmd, чтобы перенести вас куда-либо еще. Я могу создать персонажа и сохранить его в файл json просто отлично, но на этом все и заканчивается, так как данные сохраняются очень хорошо, но я не могу найти, чтобы взять эти данные и переместить их в другие модули он необходим, без загрузки файла json каждый раз, в каждом модуле.

Краткое наложение кода выглядит примерно так:


import cmd
import charCreation
import charInfo
import charFeats
import charWrite

class Hub(cmd.Cmd):
    def __init__(self):
        self.prompt = "Hub > "
        print("Welcome to the Hub. From here, you can create your first character and view the character sheet with the"
              " 'char' command, or review and select feats with the 'feats' command. For more information on both,"
              " please type help <command>.")

    def  do_char(self, args):
        """this command will give you access to the 'create' command, to create your character for this account. It
will also give you access to the 'viewchar' command, which will provide you with a basic character sheet
containing all needed information"""
        character = Character()

    def do_feats(self, args):
        """this command will give you access to the commands to look at all feats in the game and their descriptions
and any required qualifications that are needed before taking the feat. Feats are divided into three catagories:
Strength, Dexterity, and Constition.
        feats = Feats()

    def do_quit(self, args):
        """Exits the bot"""
        print("Closing closing the bot.")
        return True

class Character(cmd.Cmd):
    def __init__(self):
        self.prompt = "Character > "
        print("Welcome to Character Creation. To begin, type 'create'. To exit, type 'quit'. For a list of commands and"
              " their descriptions, type 'help'")

    def do_create(self, args):
        """Use this command to create a new character. Note you can only have one character per account. Feats are
        selected using the 'feats' option"""
        basics = charCreation.Character.basics()
        abilities = charCreation.Character.abilities(basics)
        charWrite.SaveModule.save(self, basics, abilities)

    def do_viewchar(self, args):
        """Use this command to get a list of your character statics"""

    def do_quit(self, args):
        """Leaves character Creation"""
        print("Closing Character Creation.")
        return True

class Feats(cmd.Cmd):
    def __init__(self):
        self.prompt = "Feats > "
        print("Welcome to Feat Selection. Here you can view the lists of feats for any given category: Strength"
              " Dexterity, Constitution, and. Simply type 'getfeat' to start the process.")

    def do_getfeat(self,args):

    def do_quit(self, args):
        """Leaves Feat Selection"""
        print("Closing Feat Selection.")
        return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
    hub = Hub()

Выше работает просто отлично. Вводит меня к созданию базовых персонажей, затем к способностям (с передачей значений из основ), затем к модулю charWrite (опять же, с успешно пройденными основами и способностями). Теперь предполагается, что charWrite - мой универсальный магазин для открытия, выгрузки и загрузки файлов jsons. Идея состоит в том, чтобы выполнить всю работу там и сохранить информацию в переменных для передачи в другие места. Как я уже сказал, я чувствую, что открытие, загрузка, выгрузка и все такое джаз в каждом отдельном модуле просто неправильно, и это плохая практика. Итак, у меня есть следующее написано в charWrite.


key = level
Element = value
0       = hit Points
1       = minimum damage
2       = maximum damage
3       = total ability points
4       = total number of feats
5       = base to hit modifier
6       = base Armor Class
7       = experience Points to next level

Strictly speaking, this script only needs the first key in the levelDict. However, the entire dictionary is placed here
if needed later.
class Character():

    def basics():
        levelDict = {1: [ 25,  1,   6,   15,   2,  1,  5,   30],
                     2: [ 30,  1,   6,   15,   2,  2,  6,   90],
                     3: [ 35,  1,   8,   15,   3,  2,  7,  180],
                     4: [ 40,  1,   8,   15,   3,  3,  8,  300],
                     5: [ 45,  1,  10,   16,   4,  3,  9,  450],
                     6: [ 50,  1,  10,   16,   4,  4, 10,  630],
                     7: [ 55,  2,  12,   16,   5,  4, 11,  840],
                     8: [ 60,  2,  12,   16,   5,  5, 12, 1080],
                     9: [ 65,  2,  16,   16,   6,  5, 13, 1350],
                    10: [ 70,  2,  16,   17,   6,  6, 15, 1650],
                    11: [ 75,  3,  18,   17,   7,  6, 16, 1980],
                    12: [ 80,  3,  18,   17,   7,  7, 17, 2340],
                    13: [ 85,  2,  20,   17,   8,  7, 18, 2730],
                    14: [ 90,  2,  20,   17,   8,  8, 19, 3150],
                    15: [100,  2,  24,   18,   9,  8, 20, 3600],
                    16: [110,  4,  24,   18,   9,  9, 21, 4080],
                    17: [130,  4,  32,   18,  10,  9, 22, 4590],
                    18: [135,  4,  32,   18,  10, 10, 23, 5130],
                    19: [140,  3,  36,   18,  11, 10, 24, 5700],
                    20: [150,  3,  36,   19,  11, 11, 25, 6300]}

        # As this is character creation, level will always be equal to 1, and xp always equal to 0
        playerLevel = 1
        playerXP = 0
        # Grabs character's name, and then assigns appropriate values from the dictionary above to display.
        charName = input("What is your characters name? ")
        print("Your character's name is " + charName + ", and will start out at level one with the following stats:")
        print("Hit Points:                 " + str(levelDict[int(playerLevel)][0]))
        statHP = levelDict[int(playerLevel)][0]
        print("Damage:                     " + str(levelDict[int(playerLevel)][1]) + "d" + str(levelDict[int(playerLevel)][2]))
        print("Ability Points to Allocate: " + str(levelDict[int(playerLevel)][3]))
        statPoints = levelDict[int(playerLevel)][3]
        print("Total Feats:                " + str(levelDict[int(playerLevel)][4]))
        statFeats = levelDict[int(playerLevel)][4]
        print("Total Base To Hit Modifier: " + str(levelDict[int(playerLevel)][5]))
        statHit = levelDict[int(playerLevel)][5]
        print("Total Base damage Modifier: " + str(levelDict[int(playerLevel)][5]))
        statDamage = levelDict[int(playerLevel)][5]
        print("Total Base AC:              " + str(levelDict[int(playerLevel)][6]))
        statAC = levelDict[int(playerLevel)][6]
        toNextLevel = (levelDict[int(playerLevel)][7]) - playerXP
        print("You currently have: " + str(playerXP) + " experience and need: " + str(toNextLevel) + " to reach the next level.")
        return playerLevel, statHP, statHit, statDamage, statPoints, statFeats, statAC, playerXP, toNextLevel, charName

    basics[0] = Level
    basics[1] = Hit Points
    basics[2] = To Hit Modifier
    basics[3] = Damage Modifier
    basics[4] = Total ability points
    basics[5] = Total feats
    basics[6] = Armor Class
    basics[7] = player current xp
    basics[8] = xp to next level
    basics[9] = character name
        # This function focuses purely on assigning values to the three primary stats: Strength, Dexterity, and
        # Constitution. While loops are set in place to ensure that no value is placed above 10, or any remaining points
        # they player has left to allocate. Once completed, the information is displayed with their appropriate modifiers
        # and the player is asked if they want to keep their setup, or redistribute.

    def abilities(basics):
        statPoints = basics[4]
        print("You have " + str(statPoints) + " points to distribute between Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.")
        print("No single stat can be above 10 points")
        answer = "no"
        while answer == "no":
            strengthStat = input("How many points do you want to put in Strength? ")
            while int(strengthStat) > 10:
                print("You can not allocate more than 10 points in any stat.")
                strengthStat = input("How many points do you want to put in Strength? ")
            remaining = int(statPoints) - int(strengthStat)
            print("You have put " + str(strengthStat) + " points in Strength, and have " + str(remaining) + " points left.")

            dexterityStat = input("How many points do you want to put in Dexterity?")
            while int(dexterityStat) > remaining:
                print("You only have " + str(remaining) + " points left")
                dexterityStat = input("How many points do you want to put in Dexterity?")
            remaining = remaining - int(dexterityStat)
            print("You have put " + str(dexterityStat) + " points in Dexterity, and have " + str(remaining) + " points left")

            conStat = input("How many points do you want to put in Constitution?")
            while int(conStat) > remaining:
                print("You only have " + str(remaining) + " points left")
                conStat = input("How many points do you want to put in Constitution?")

            strMod = int(int(strengthStat) / 2)
            print("Your Strength: " + str(strengthStat) + " giving you a to Hit and Damage mod of +" + str(int(strMod)))
            dexMod = int(int(dexterityStat) / 2)
            print("Your Dexterity: " + str(dexterityStat) + " giving you a bonus to AC of + " + str(int(dexMod)))
            conMod = int(conStat) * 5
            print("Your Constitution: " + str(conStat) + " giving you bonus HP of + " + str(int(conMod)))
            answer = input("Do you wish to keep these stats? (yes/no)").lower()
        return strMod, dexMod, conMod, strengthStat, dexterityStat, conStat

    # Grabs all the necessary information from the above functions, and commits them to a JSON file labeled with their
    # character name.

# for testing purposes
# basics = basics()
# abilities = abilities(basics)


class SaveModule:

    def save(self, basics, abilities):
        # Create an empty dictionary
        characterFile = {}
        featList = []
        # basics[0] = Level
        # basics[1] = Hit Points                  abilities[2] = Hit Point Modifier
        # basics[2] = To Hit                      abilities[0] = To Hit Modifier
        # basics[3] = Damage                      abilities[0] = Damage Modifier
        # basics[4] = Total ability points
        # basics[5] = Total feats
        # basics[6] = Armor Class                 abilities[1] = Armor Class Modifier
        # basics[7] = player current xp
        # basics[8] = xp to next level
        # basics[9] = character

        # Fill the dictionary with required information

        characterFile["name"] = basics[9]
        name = basics[9]
        characterFile["level"] = basics[0]
        level = basics[0]
        characterFile["hitpoints"] = basics[1] + abilities[2]
        hp = basics[1] + abilities[2]
        characterFile["total feats"] = basics[5]
        tFeats = basics[5]
        characterFile["hit"] = basics[2] + abilities[0]
        hit = basics[2] + abilities[0]
        characterFile["damage"] = basics[2] + abilities[0]
        damage = basics[2] + abilities[0]
        characterFile["ac"] = basics[6] + abilities[1]
        ac = basics[6] + abilities[1]
        characterFile["currentxp"] = basics[7]
        xp = basics[7]
        characterFile["nextlevel"] = basics[8]
        nextLevel = basics[8]
        characterFile["strength"] = int(abilities[3])
        strength = int(abilities[3])
        characterFile["dexterity"] = int(abilities[4])
        dexterity = int(abilities[4])
        characterFile["constitution"] = int(abilities[5])
        constitution = int(abilities[5])
        characterFile["player feats"] = featList
        cFeats = featList
        # apply a hidden counter, that will keep track of number of feats throughout level progression
        characterFile["remaining feats"] = 2
        remainingFeats = 2

        # create the JSON file
        file = open(basics[9] + ".txt", "w", encoding="utf-8")
        json.dump(characterFile, file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)

        print("Your character has been created and saved.")
        return name, level, hp, tFeats, hit, damage, ac, xp, nextLevel, strength, dexterity, constitution, cFeats, remainingFeats

Это работает, и, как вы можете видеть в конце, я пытаюсь передать переменные другим модулям для использования, манипулирования, обновления и отправки обратно для сохранения в другой функции в charWrite, называемой update.

Но я не захожу так далеко. Я попытался импортировать charWrite в другие модули, а затем с помощью information = charWrite.save (основы, возможности), и я получаю сообщение об ошибке sayinb «основы не определены». Что это не так ... это определено в модуле charCreation. Но даже импорт charCreation в модуль не помогает мне передать возвращенные значения в функцию сохранения.


import gameFeats
import charWrite
# import json

This script is dedicated to pulling up helpful information on feats, as well as selecting them to be placed on the
character sheet. 

def feats():

    # Open up character information
    # charFile = open("Irixis.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8")
    # charInfo = json.load(charFile)
    # charFile.close()
    # charLevel = charInfo["level"]
    # remainingFeats = charInfo["remaining feats"]
    # charStr = charInfo["strength"]
    # charDex = charInfo["dexterity"]
    # charCon = charInfo["constitution"]
    # charfeatList = charInfo["player feats"]

    #place all keys within a list for comparison later
    information = charWrite.SaveModule.save(self, basics, abilities)
    featDict = gameFeats.featDict()[0]
    featList = gameFeats.featDict()[1]

    print("For a list of all the available feats, type 'list'")
    print("For information on a specific feat, type 'help <feat>")
    print("To choose a specific feat, type 'pick <feat>")
    answer = input("Feat> ").lower()
    while answer != 'back':
        if answer == 'list':
            for word in featList:
                print(word, end=", ")
        elif answer[:4] == 'help':
            answer = answer[5:]
            reqStat = featDict[0][answer]['stat']
            featStatus = featDict[0][answer]['status']
            level = featDict[0][answer]['requirements'][0]
            reqStr = featDict[0][answer]['requirements'][1]
            reqDex = featDict[0][answer]['requirements'][2]
            reqCon = featDict[0][answer]['requirements'][3]
            reqFeats = featDict[0][answer]['requirements'][4]
            print(answer + " (" + reqStat + ") (" + featStatus + ")")
            print("Prerequisites: " + "Level: " + str(level) + " Strength: " + str(reqStr) + " Dexterity: " + str(reqDex) + " Constitution: " + str(reqCon) + " Required Feats: " + reqFeats)
        elif answer[:4] == 'pick':
            if remainingFeats == 0:
                print("You have no feat slots left to select a new feat.")
                answer = answer[5:]
                level = featDict[0][answer]['requirements'][0]
                reqStr = featDict[0][answer]['requirements'][1]
                reqDex = featDict[0][answer]['requirements'][2]
                reqCon = featDict[0][answer]['requirements'][3]
                reqFeats = featDict[0][answer]['requirements'][4]

                if answer in featDict and charLevel >= level \
                                      and charStr >= reqStr \
                                      and charDex >= reqDex \
                                      and charCon >= reqCon \
                                      and answer not in charfeatList:
                    print(answer + " has been added to your character sheet.")
                    remainingFeats = remainingFeats - 1
                playerFeats = charfeatList
        answer = input("Feat> ").lower()
    return charLevel, remainingFeats, charStr, charDex, charCon, charfeatList

Я закомментировал функцию загрузки для json в начале charFeats.py, потому что я хочу получить переменные из charWrite и использовать этот модуль в качестве источника информации. В charFeats вы можете видеть, как я пытался вызвать information = charWrite.SaveModule.save (self, basics, Способности) безрезультатно.

Я понимаю, что в конечном итоге я хотел бы, чтобы информация в функции сохранения использовалась в качестве переменных класса, но я не уверен, как передать их в класс.

Я чувствую, что здесь я чист, как грязь, поэтому, если вам нужно разъяснение, я могу приложить все усилия, чтобы добавить его. У меня даже есть эти скрипты на моем мерзавце, если смотреть на все это помогает.

Заранее спасибо.

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 13 апреля 2019

Прежде всего: отличная работа по изучению Python, предоставив себе небольшой проект.Это отличный способ учиться.

Относительно вашего вопроса: было бы полезно, если бы вы опубликовали код, где на самом деле происходит ошибка.Но из вашего описания кажется, что вы не определяете переменную «основы», прежде чем ее использовать.

в «do_create» вы определяете «основы» следующим образом: basics = charCreation.basics ()

и вы называете 'charWrite.save (основы, способности)'

Это работает, потому что определено «основы».Похоже, вам не нужно определять «основы» в другом модуле.

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