* @name DoubleScroll
* @desc displays scroll bar on top and on the bottom of the div
* @requires jQuery
* @author Pawel Suwala - http://suwala.eu/
* @author Antoine Vianey - http://www.astek.fr/
* @version 0.5 (11-11-2015)
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* Usage:
* https://github.com/avianey/jqDoubleScroll
(function( $ ) {
jQuery.fn.doubleScroll = function(userOptions) {
// Default options
var options = {
contentElement: undefined, // Widest element, if not specified first child element will be used
scrollCss: {
'overflow-x': 'auto',
'overflow-y': 'hidden',
'height': '20px'
contentCss: {
'overflow-x': 'auto',
'overflow-y': 'hidden'
onlyIfScroll: true, // top scrollbar is not shown if the bottom one is not present
resetOnWindowResize: false, // recompute the top ScrollBar requirements when the window is resized
timeToWaitForResize: 30 // wait for the last update event (usefull when browser fire resize event constantly during ressing)
$.extend(true, options, userOptions);
// do not modify
// internal stuff
$.extend(options, {
topScrollBarMarkup: '<div class="doubleScroll-scroll-wrapper"><div class="doubleScroll-scroll"></div></div>',
topScrollBarWrapperSelector: '.doubleScroll-scroll-wrapper',
topScrollBarInnerSelector: '.doubleScroll-scroll'
var _showScrollBar = function($self, options) {
if (options.onlyIfScroll && $self.get(0).scrollWidth <= $self.width()) {
// content doesn't scroll
// remove any existing occurrence...
// add div that will act as an upper scroll only if not already added to the DOM
var $topScrollBar = $self.prev(options.topScrollBarWrapperSelector);
if ($topScrollBar.length == 0) {
// creating the scrollbar
// added before in the DOM
$topScrollBar = $(options.topScrollBarMarkup);
// apply the css
$(options.topScrollBarInnerSelector).css("height", "20px");
// bind upper scroll to bottom scroll
$topScrollBar.bind('scroll.doubleScroll', function() {
// bind bottom scroll to upper scroll
var selfScrollHandler = function() {
$self.bind('scroll.doubleScroll', selfScrollHandler);
// find the content element (should be the widest one)
var $contentElement;
if (options.contentElement !== undefined && $self.find(options.contentElement).length !== 0) {
$contentElement = $self.find(options.contentElement);
} else {
$contentElement = $self.find('>:first-child');
// set the width of the wrappers
$(options.topScrollBarInnerSelector, $topScrollBar).width($contentElement.outerWidth());
return this.each(function() {
var $self = $(this);
_showScrollBar($self, options);
// bind the resize handler
// do it once
if (options.resetOnWindowResize) {
var id;
var handler = function(e) {
_showScrollBar($self, options);
$(window).bind('resize.doubleScroll', function() {
// adding/removing/replacing the scrollbar might resize the window
// so the resizing flag will avoid the infinite loop here...
id = setTimeout(handler, options.timeToWaitForResize);
}( jQuery ));
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#sample2').doubleScroll({resetOnWindowResize: true});
.double-scroll {
width: 400px;
width: 100%;
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<p>adds the scrollbar on top of the table. you can show it when your mouse pointer over it</p>
<div class="double-scroll">
<table border="1">