У меня возникли проблемы с выравниванием результатов в Kableextra.
title: "Report test 1"
author: "Adam"
date: "May 9, 2019"
output: pdf_document
COLLEGE: College of Education
DEPARTMENT: Office of Assessment and Accreditation
SEMESTER: Fall 2018
SECTION 1: Please provide the mean and frequency distribution of the two required questions for all Traditional Delivery Courses. NOTE: The MEAN and N is required. The Frequency is optional.
colnames(EDLP_D.1)<- c("Sheet", "Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the availability of the instructor outside the classroom. (In selecting your rating, consider the instructor's availability via established office hours, appointments, and opportunities for face-to-face interaction as well and as via telephones, e-mail, fax, and other means")
#function to compute values needed for table
vec_fun4 <- function(x,y){
Vec <-c(colnames(x[,y]),round(mean(x[[y]]),2),length(which(!is.na(x[,y]==F))),length(which(x[,y]==1)),length(which(x[,y]==2)),length(which(x[,y]==3)),length(which(x[,y]==4)))
#Switch from long format to wide format
item2.1 <- as.data.frame(t(as.matrix(vec_fun4(EDLP_D.1,1))))
#Make table
kable(item2.1,"latex" ,booktabs=T, align = "lcccccc", col.names=linebreak(c(' ','Mean','\\textit{N}' ,'Strongly\n Disagree','Disagree','Agree','Strongly\n Agree')),row.names = F,escape=F) %>%
column_spec(1, width = "20em" )
Я бы хотел, чтобы числовые значения центрировались по горизонтали и вертикали в их ячейках.
Я приложил копию таблицы здесь