Самый быстрый способ:
start = client.find('for')
end = client.find('(')
result = client[start+4:end-1]
с регулярным выражением:
result = re.search(r' for (.*) [(]', client)
Вероятно, есть более чистый способ сделать это, но вот другое решение без регулярных выражений
client = "Reminder: Leruths has sent you a proposal for Business Name (#642931)"
cs = client.split(" ")
name = ""
append = False
for word in cs:
if "for" == word:
append = True
elif word.startswith("("):
append = False
if append is True and word != "for":
name += (word + " ")
name = name.strip()
Другой метод:
client = "Reminder: Leruths has sent you a proposal for Business Name (#642931)"
cs = client.split(" ")
name = ""
forindex = cs.index("for")
for i in range(forindex+1, len(cs)):
if cs[i].startswith("("):
name += cs[i] + " "
name = name.strip()
Выполнение кода ниже дает:
Regex method took 2.3912417888641357 seconds
Search word by word method took 4.78193998336792 seconds
Search with list index method took 3.1756017208099365 seconds
String indexing method took 0.8496286869049072 seconds
Код для быстрой проверки, чтобы получить имя за миллион попыток:
import re
import time
client = "Reminder: Leruths has sent you a proposal for Business Name (#642931)"
def withRegex(client):
result = re.search(r' for (.*) [(]', client)
def searchWordbyWord(client):
cs = client.split(" ")
name = ""
append = False
for word in cs:
if "for" == word:
append = True
elif word.startswith("("):
append = False
if append is True and word != "for":
name += (word + " ")
name = name.strip()
return name
def searchWithListIndex(client):
cs = client.split(" ")
name = ""
forindex = cs.index("for")
for i in range(forindex+1, len(cs)):
if cs[i].startswith("("):
name += cs[i] + " "
name = name.strip()
return name
def stringIndexing(client):
start = client.find('for')
end = client.find('(')
result = client[start+4:end-1]
return result
wr = time.time()
for x in range(1,1000000):
wr = time.time() - wr
print("Regex method took " + str(wr) + " seconds")
sw = time.time()
for x in range(1,1000000):
sw = time.time() - sw
print("Search word by word method took " + str(sw) + " seconds")
wl = time.time()
for x in range(1,1000000):
wl = time.time() - wl
print("Search with list index method took " + str(wl) + " seconds")
si = time.time()
for x in range(1,1000000):
si = time.time() - si
print("String indexing method took " + str(si) + " seconds")