Итак, я написал тестовые примеры для Jmockit, и на моем компьютере разработчика они работают с java 8 и junit 4. На нашем бамбуковом сервере установлена java 10, и я постоянно получаю ошибки для всех моих тестов:
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:10 [INFO] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.915 s - in org.tsocs.txn.OCSServiceTest
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:10 [INFO] Running org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 [ERROR] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 8, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.684 s <<< FAILURE! - in org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 [ERROR] failInvalidBundle(org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest) Time elapsed: 0.303 s <<< ERROR!
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 java.lang.IllegalStateException:
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 Missing @Tested or @Injectable for parameter "year" in constructor Timestamp(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second, int nano)
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 when initializing field "Timestamp tradeStartTime"
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 of @Tested object "RolloverBundle testService"
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 [ERROR] successUpdateBundleWithNoRolloverAmountAndSendSMS(org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest) Time elapsed: 0.039 s <<< ERROR!
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 java.lang.IllegalStateException:
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 Missing @Tested or @Injectable for parameter "year" in constructor Timestamp(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second, int nano)
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 when initializing field "Timestamp tradeStartTime"
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 of @Tested object "RolloverBundle testService"
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 [ERROR] failNotRollOverBundle(org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest) Time elapsed: 0.039 s <<< ERROR!
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 java.lang.IllegalStateException:
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 Missing @Tested or @Injectable for parameter "year" in constructor Timestamp(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second, int nano)
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 when initializing field "Timestamp tradeStartTime"
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 of @Tested object "RolloverBundle testService"
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 [ERROR] successRolloverTransfer(org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest) Time elapsed: 0.041 s <<< ERROR!
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 java.lang.IllegalStateException:
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 Missing @Tested or @Injectable for parameter "year" in constructor Timestamp(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second, int nano)
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 when initializing field "Timestamp tradeStartTime"
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 of @Tested object "RolloverBundle testService"
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 [ERROR] failBundleAlreadyTransferred(org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest) Time elapsed: 0.039 s <<< ERROR!
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 java.lang.IllegalStateException:
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 Missing @Tested or @Injectable for parameter "year" in constructor Timestamp(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second, int nano)
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 when initializing field "Timestamp tradeStartTime"
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 of @Tested object "RolloverBundle testService"
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 [ERROR] failInsufficientFundsForTransfer(org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest) Time elapsed: 0.041 s <<< ERROR!
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 java.lang.IllegalStateException:
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 Missing @Tested or @Injectable for parameter "year" in constructor Timestamp(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second, int nano)
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 when initializing field "Timestamp tradeStartTime"
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 of @Tested object "RolloverBundle testService"
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 [ERROR] failInsufficientFundsToRollover(org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest) Time elapsed: 0.041 s <<< ERROR!
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 java.lang.IllegalStateException:
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 Missing @Tested or @Injectable for parameter "year" in constructor Timestamp(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second, int nano)
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 when initializing field "Timestamp tradeStartTime"
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 of @Tested object "RolloverBundle testService"
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 [ERROR] failBundleExpiredOrDepleted(org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest) Time elapsed: 0.043 s <<< ERROR!
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 java.lang.IllegalStateException:
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 Missing @Tested or @Injectable for parameter "year" in constructor Timestamp(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second, int nano)
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 when initializing field "Timestamp tradeStartTime"
build 20-Mar-2019 11:58:11 of @Tested object "RolloverBundle testService"
Я подумал, что это может быть проблема совместимости с junit4 / java11 / jmockit. Я реорганизовал код для использования junit 5, однако в настоящее время ни один из макетов не внедряется, и в результате возникло множество других проблем. IE: объекты db не создаются или нулевые указатели:
[ERROR] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 8, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.183 s <<< FAILURE! - in org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest
[ERROR] failInvalidBundle Time elapsed: 0.031 s <<< ERROR!
at org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest.failInvalidBundle(RolloverBundleTest.java:396)
[ERROR] successUpdateBundleWithNoRolloverAmountAndSendSMS Time elapsed: 0.03 s <<< ERROR!
at org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest.successUpdateBundleWithNoRolloverAmountAndSendSMS(RolloverBundleTest.java:125)
[ERROR] failNotRollOverBundle Time elapsed: 0.014 s <<< ERROR!
at org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest.failNotRollOverBundle(RolloverBundleTest.java:599)
[ERROR] successRolloverTransfer Time elapsed: 0.036 s <<< ERROR!
at org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest.successRolloverTransfer(RolloverBundleTest.java:225)
[ERROR] failBundleAlreadyTransferred Time elapsed: 0.015 s <<< ERROR!
at org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest.failBundleAlreadyTransferred(RolloverBundleTest.java:461)
[ERROR] failInsufficientFundsForTransfer Time elapsed: 0.016 s <<< ERROR!
at org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest.failInsufficientFundsForTransfer(RolloverBundleTest.java:320)
[ERROR] failInsufficientFundsToRollover Time elapsed: 0.015 s <<< ERROR!
at org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest.failInsufficientFundsToRollover(RolloverBundleTest.java:678)
[ERROR] failBundleExpiredOrDepleted Time elapsed: 0.015 s <<< ERROR!
at org.tsocs.ws.services.RolloverBundleTest.failBundleExpiredOrDepleted(RolloverBundleTest.java:524)
Похоже, что ни один из поддельных объектов не вводится. Тестовый пример выглядит так:
package org.tsocs.ws.services;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import mockit.*;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.EJBUtils;
import org.addon.MobileService;
import org.errors.TradeSwitchException;
import org.financial.FinancialBeanRemote;
import org.message.MessageBeanRemote;
import org.message.MessagePurpose;
import org.model.entity.NodeInfo;
import org.resourcemessage.dao.LanguageResourceDAO;
import org.tsocs.dao.BundleItemsDAO;
import org.tsocs.dao.BundleItemSubsDAO;
import org.tsocs.dao.UsageNotificationDAO;
import org.tsocs.entity.BundleItem;
import org.tsocs.entity.BundleItemSubs;
import org.tsocs.entity.UsageNotification;
import org.tsocs.ws.services.structures.RollOverBundleResp;
import org.tsocs.ws.webui.RolloverBundleConfigViewModel;
import org.txn.Amount;
import org.txn.ISO8583;
import org.txn.TxnBeanRemote;
import org.txn.TxnUtils;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNull;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
public class RolloverBundleTest
private static final long BUNDLE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID = 6667L;
private static final long BUNDLE_ITEM_ID = 1023L;
private static final long BUNDLE_IRN = 888L;
private static final long NODE_IRN_ID = 777L;
private static final Amount balance = new Amount(BigDecimal.valueOf(5000L));
private static final Amount credit = new Amount(BigDecimal.valueOf(200L));
@Tested(fullyInitialized = true)
private RolloverBundle testService;
private BundleItemsDAO mockBundleItem;
private BundleItemSubsDAO mockBundleItemSubscription;
private FinancialBeanRemote mockFinancialBean;
private MessageBeanRemote mockMessageBean;
private UsageNotificationDAO mockUsageNotification;
private TxnBeanRemote mockTxnBean;
private LanguageResourceDAO mockLangRes;
private MobileService mockMobileService;
public void init()
new MockUp<EJBUtils>()
public FinancialBeanRemote lookupFinancialBean() throws TradeSwitchException {
return mockFinancialBean;
public TxnBeanRemote lookupTxnBean() throws TradeSwitchException {
return mockTxnBean;
public MessageBeanRemote lookupMessageBean() throws TradeSwitchException {
return mockMessageBean;
public void failInsufficientFundsToRollover() throws Exception
final String errorMessage = "Borked. rollover amount exceeds balance";
final BundleItemSubs bundleOfJoy = new BundleItemSubs();
final BundleItem item = new BundleItem();
item.setRolloverAmount(new Amount(BigDecimal.valueOf(10_000L)));
final NodeInfo node = new NodeInfo();
final Map<String, String> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put(RolloverBundleConfigViewModel.MessageTypes.INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS.getType(), "1");
new Expectations()
result = bundleOfJoy;
result = item;
mockFinancialBean.getBalance(anyLong, anyString);
result = balance;
mockFinancialBean.getCreditLimit(anyLong, anyString);
result = credit;
result = false;
mockLangRes.getResourceMessage(anyLong, anyLong);
result = errorMessage;
final RollOverBundleResp response = testService.rollOverBundle(BUNDLE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID);
new Verifications()
times = 1;
times = 1;
times = 1;
mockFinancialBean.getBalance(anyLong, anyString);
times = 1;
mockFinancialBean.getCreditLimit(anyLong, anyString);
times = 1;
mockLangRes.getResourceMessage(anyLong, anyLong);
times = 1;
mockUsageNotification.notificationsByBundleItem(anyLong, anyInt);
times = 0;
mockMessageBean.sendMessage(anyLong, anyString, anyString, anyString, (MessagePurpose) any);
times = 0;
Я посмотрел примеры на странице jmockit github, но не вижу, что делаю что-то необычное. У меня есть строка аргумента агента, определенная в плагине surefire:
Я впервые использую jmockit (tham am familair with mockito). Любая помощь очень ценится
Окружающая среда:
- ОС: macOS Mojave 10.14.3
- JDK: 11,0,2-амзн
- maven: 3.6.0
- junit: 5.4.1
- Jmockit: 1,45