Я уже ссылался на все вопросы, связанные с Нет модуля с именем <module name>
вопросов о StackOverflow, и мне не повезло в решении моей конкретной проблемы. Следовательно, выкладываю этот вопрос.
В настоящее время я работаю над проектом Python и пытаюсь запустить файл run_bsg.py
из этого проекта . Тем не менее, я продолжаю получать следующую ошибку.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/nayantara/PycharmProjects/BSG/run_bsg.py", line 3, in <module>
from interfaces.interface_configurator import InterfaceConfigurator
File "/home/nayantara/PycharmProjects/BSG/interfaces/interface_configurator.py", line 1, in <module>
from libraries.data_iterators.open_text_data_iterator import OpenTextDataIterator
File "/home/nayantara/PycharmProjects/BSG/libraries/data_iterators/open_text_data_iterator.py", line 2, in <module>
from support import deal_with_accents
ImportError: No module named 'support'
Код Python
# this file contains an example on how to run the bayesian skip-gram model
import os
from interfaces.interface_configurator import InterfaceConfigurator
from libraries.evaluation.support import evaluate
from libraries.evaluation.lexsub.run_lexsub import run_lexsub
train_data_path = 'data/datafile.txt'
vocab_file_path = 'vocabulary/2M.txt'
output_folder_path = "output/2M/"
# obtain the interface to interact with the model.
i_model = InterfaceConfigurator.get_interface(train_data_path, vocab_file_path, output_folder_path)
# store the temporary vocab, because it can be different from the original one(e.g. smaller number of words)
vocab = i_model.vocab
temp_vocab_file_path = os.path.join(i_model.output_path, "vocab.txt")
mu_vecs = [os.path.join(i_model.output_path, "mu.vectors")]
sigma_vecs = [os.path.join(i_model.output_path, "sigma.vectors")]
# a complex of word embedding evaluations(word similarity, entailment, directional entailment)
evaluate(mu_vectors_files=mu_vecs, sigma_vectors_files=sigma_vecs, vocab_file=temp_vocab_file_path, log_sigmas=False,
full_sim=True, vocab=vocab)
# run additionally lexical substitution evaluation
run_lexsub(input_folder=i_model.output_path, output_path=i_model.output_path)
from nltk import word_tokenize as default_tokenizer
from support import deal_with_accents
from libraries.utils.paths_and_files import get_file_paths
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