Я полагаю, хитрость заключается в том, чтобы записать столбец матрицы данных в качестве переменной во время вашей команды apply / map.
library(broom) # to clean the regression output
a <- matrix(rnorm(1:1000), ncol = 4)
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 0.9214791 0.3273086 -0.456702485 1.504571891
[2,] -0.6705181 1.3443408 1.496302280 0.516068092
[3,] -0.9122278 0.2392211 -0.163004516 -0.041937414
[4,] -0.6614763 1.1596926 2.004846224 -0.001818212
[5,] -0.7902421 0.3022333 -0.002848944 0.265987941
[6,] 0.3451988 0.3187038 -0.149836811 0.122283166
b <- matrix(rnorm(1:500), ncol = 2)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1.6100023 0.4861797
[2,] 0.2128886 -1.0762123
[3,] -0.7645170 -0.4972273
[4,] -0.4084541 0.8930468
[5,] -0.1471686 -1.3193856
[6,] 0.4331506 -0.4044583
c <- matrix(rnorm(1:500), ncol = 2)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] -0.9476932 0.1292495
[2,] -0.8653959 -1.3278809
[3,] -1.5162128 0.2765994
[4,] -0.5140617 1.8684472
[5,] 0.8104582 1.7564293
[6,] 1.4162302 -1.5383332
(col_a <- seq(dim(a)[2])) # to map to the columns of matrix a
[1] 1 2 3 4
(col_b <- seq(dim(b)[2])) # to map to the columns of matrix b
[1] 1 2
map_df(col_a, ~ map2_df(.x, col_b, ~ lm(b[,.y] ~ a[,.x] + c) %>% # the first ".x" uses the mapping output from the first "map_df" in the second "map2_df"
tidy() %>% # clean regression output
mutate(y = str_c("b", .y, sep = "_"), # add variable y with indicator for matrix b
x = str_c("a", .x, sep = "_")))) %>% # add variable x with indicator for matrix a
select(y, x, 1:5) # rearrange columns
# A tibble: 32 x 7
y x term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 b_1 a_1 (Intercept) -0.0747 0.0645 -1.16 0.248
2 b_1 a_1 a[, .x] 0.0653 0.0638 1.02 0.307
3 b_1 a_1 c1 -0.117 0.0672 -1.74 0.0834
4 b_1 a_1 c2 0.0219 0.0617 0.355 0.723
5 b_2 a_1 (Intercept) 0.0145 0.0618 0.234 0.815
6 b_2 a_1 a[, .x] -0.142 0.0612 -2.33 0.0208
7 b_2 a_1 c1 0.0458 0.0644 0.711 0.478
8 b_2 a_1 c2 0.0450 0.0591 0.761 0.447
9 b_1 a_2 (Intercept) -0.0779 0.0645 -1.21 0.229
10 b_1 a_2 a[, .x] -0.0502 0.0678 -0.741 0.459
# ... with 22 more rows