Вот код для User
модели с проверкой JOI (14.3). Код, который раньше работал при создании нового пользователя, но, кажется, недавно заболел гриппом и выдает ошибку xxx not allowed
require('dotenv').config({path: process.cwd() +'\\config\\.env'});
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const moment = require('moment');
const Joi = require('joi');
const Sql = require('sequelize');
const db = require("../startup/db");
const User = db.define('user', {
name: {type: Sql.STRING,
allowNull: false,
min: 2,
max: 50,
email: {type: Sql.STRING,
isEmail: true
cell: {type: Sql.STRING,
allowNull: false,
min: 10,
max: 20,
cell_country_code: {type: Sql.STRING,
allowNull: false
comp_name: {type: Sql.STRING
status: {type: Sql.STRING,
allowNull: false,
isIn: ['active', 'blocked', 'inactive', 'pending', 'unverified']
role: {type: Sql.STRING,
allowNull: false
device_id: {type: Sql.STRING, //maybe empty when the user is initially created.
user_data: {type: Sql.JSONB
last_updated_by_id: {type: Sql.INTEGER},
fort_token: {type: Sql.STRING,
allowNull: false,
min: 20 //64 for production
createdAt: Sql.DATE,
updatedAt: Sql.DATE
}, {
indexes: [
//For same fort_token, name to be unique
unique: true,
fields: ['name', 'fort_token']
}, {
//unique cell
//unique: true,
fields: ['cell_country_code', 'cell', 'status']
}, {
fields: ['cell_country_code', 'cell']
}, {
fields: ['email']
}, {
fields: ['device_id']
}, {
fields: ['status']
}, {
fields: ['fort_token']
function validateUser(user) {
const schema = {
name: Joi.string()
cell: Joi.string()
.error(new Error('该手机号有误!')),
cell_country_code: Joi.string()
role: Joi.string()
email: Joi.string()
return Joi.validate(user, schema);
Вот ошибка:
new user data : { _device_id: '8c9c25711c7d0262',
cell: '8008006414 ',
cell_country_code: '1',
name: 'ss9',
corp_name: '',
role: 'eventer',
email: '',
user_data: { avatar: '' } }
error in user validate : { ValidationError: "dataValues" is not allowed. "_previousDataValues" is not allowed. "_changed" is not allowed. "_modelOptions" is not allowed. "_options" is not allowed. "isNewRecord" is not allowed
at Object.exports.process (C:\d\code\js\emps_bbone\node_modules\joi\lib\errors.js:203:19)
at internals.Object._validateWithOptions (C:\d\code\js\emps_bbone\node_modules\joi\lib\types\any\index.js:764:31)
at module.exports.internals.Any.root.validate (C:\d\code\js\emps_bbone\node_modules\joi\lib\index.js:147:23)
at validateUser (C:\d\code\js\emps_bbone\models\user.js:106:16)
at router.post (C:\d\code\js\emps_bbone\routes\users.js:217:27)
at newFn (C:\d\code\js\emps_bbone\node_modules\express-async-errors\index.js:16:20)
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (C:\d\code\js\emps_bbone\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:95:5)
at next (C:\d\code\js\emps_bbone\node_modules\express\lib\router\route.js:137:13)
at C:\d\code\js\emps_bbone\middleware\auth_role.js:7:7
at newFn (C:\d\code\js\emps_bbone\node_modules\express-async-errors\index.js:16:20)
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (C:\d\code\js\emps_bbone\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:95:5)
at next (C:\d\code\js\emps_bbone\node_modules\express\lib\router\route.js:137:13)
at module.exports (C:\d\code\js\emps_bbone\middleware\auth_userinfo.js:106:13)
isJoi: true,
name: 'ValidationError',
[ { message: '"dataValues" is not allowed',
path: [Array],
type: 'object.allowUnknown',
context: [Object] },
{ message: '"_previousDataValues" is not allowed',
path: [Array],
type: 'object.allowUnknown',
context: [Object] },
{ message: '"_changed" is not allowed',
path: [Array],
type: 'object.allowUnknown',
context: [Object] },
{ message: '"_modelOptions" is not allowed',
path: [Array],
type: 'object.allowUnknown',
context: [Object] },
{ message: '"_options" is not allowed',
path: [Array],
type: 'object.allowUnknown',
context: [Object] },
{ message: '"isNewRecord" is not allowed',
path: [Array],
type: 'object.allowUnknown',
context: [Object] } ],
user {
{ id: null,
name: 'ss9',
cell: '8008006414',
cell_country_code: '1',
email: '',
role: 'eventer' },
{ name: undefined,
cell: '8008006414 ',
cell_country_code: undefined,
email: undefined,
role: undefined },
{ name: true,
cell: true,
cell_country_code: true,
email: true,
role: true },
{ timestamps: true,
validate: {},
freezeTableName: false,
underscored: false,
paranoid: false,
rejectOnEmpty: false,
whereCollection: [Object],
schema: null,
schemaDelimiter: '',
defaultScope: {},
scopes: {},
indexes: [Array],
name: [Object],
omitNull: false,
sequelize: [Sequelize],
hooks: {} },
_options: { isNewRecord: true, _schema: null, _schemaDelimiter: '' },
isNewRecord: true },
annotate: [Function] }
error in new user
Вот код для создания нового пользователя:
try {
user = new User(_.pick(req.body, ["name", "cell", "cell_country_code", "email", "role" ]));
const { error } = validateUser(user); //<<====== throws error with JOI.validate()
console.log("error in user validate : ", error);
if (error) {console.log("error in new user "); return res.status(400).send(error.details[0].message)};
Понятия не имею, что такое ошибка проверки.