Это моя первая серьезная попытка P / invoke. Это консольное приложение, которое я использую для разработки кода для веб-службы, которая, как мы надеемся, вернет mac-адрес с IP-адреса или полного имени системы. Код компилируется. Однако при запуске без аргументов, я получаю необработанное исключение-IndexOutOfRangeException. Если я запускаю его с аргументами, я получаю другое необработанное исключение AccessViolationException: попытка чтения или записи в защищенную память. И я самоучка ... Пожалуйста, будь добр, если я сделал глупость. Вот мой код:
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
namespace GetMac
class Program
const int NET_STRING_IPV4_ADDRESS = 1; //
const int NET_STRING_IPV4_SERVICE = 2; //
const int NET_STRING_IPV4_NETWORK = 4; // 192.168.100/24
const int NET_STRING_IPV6_ADDRESS = 8; // 21DA:00D3:0000:2F3B:02AA:00FF:FE28:9C5A%2
const int NET_STRING_IPV6_ADDRESS_NO_SCOPE = 8; // 21DA:00D3:0000:2F3B:02AA:00FF:FE28:9C5A
const int NET_STRING_IPV6_SERVICE = 32; // [21DA:00D3:0000:2F3B:02AA:00FF:FE28:9C5A%2]:8080
const int NET_STRING_IPV6_SERVICE_NO_SCOPE = 64; // 21DA:00D3:0000:2F3B:02AA:00FF:FE28:9C5A:8080
const int NET_STRING_IPV6_NETWORK = 128; // 21DA:D3::/48
const int NET_STRING_NAMED_ADDRESS = 256; // www.microsoft.com
const int NET_STRING_NAMED_SERVICE = 512; // www.microsoft.com:80
internal static class NativeMethods
[DllImport("IpHlpApi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
//public static extern uint ParseNetworkString(ref string networkString, int types, out NetAddressInfo addressInfo, out ushort portNumber, out byte prefixLength);
public static extern uint ParseNetworkString(string networkString, int types);
public static string GetMacAddress(IPAddress ipAddress)
string strMacAddress = string.Empty;
char delimChar = '=';
string strTempMacAddress = string.Empty;
ProcessStartInfo objProcessStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
Process objProcess = new Process();
objProcessStartInfo.FileName = "nbtstat";
objProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = false;
objProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
objProcessStartInfo.Arguments = "-A " + ipAddress;
objProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
objProcess = Process.Start(objProcessStartInfo);
int Counter = -1;
while (Counter <= -1)
Counter = strTempMacAddress.Trim().ToLower().IndexOf("mac address", 0);
if (Counter > -1)
strTempMacAddress = objProcess.StandardOutput.ReadLine();
string[] words = strTempMacAddress.Split(delimChar);
strTempMacAddress = words[1];
strMacAddress = strTempMacAddress.Trim();
strMacAddress = strMacAddress.Replace('-', ':');
catch (Exception Ex)
return strMacAddress;
static void Main(string[] args)
string macAddress = null;
IPAddress ipAddress = null;
string strHostOrIp;
if (args[0] == null)
Console.WriteLine("Please enter an IP address or fully qualified host name");
strHostOrIp = args[0];
if (NativeMethods.ParseNetworkString(strHostOrIp, NET_STRING_IPV4_ADDRESS) == 0) //true if it's an IP address
IPAddress address = IPAddress.Parse(strHostOrIp);
ipAddress = address;
else if (NativeMethods.ParseNetworkString(strHostOrIp, NET_STRING_NAMED_SERVICE) == 0) //true if it's a fully qualified host name
IPHostEntry hostEntry = null;
hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(strHostOrIp);
if (hostEntry.AddressList.Length == 0)
foreach (IPAddress ip in hostEntry.AddressList)
if (ip.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork) // true if we have IPv4
ipAddress = ip;
ipAddress = null;
macAddress = GetMacAddress(ipAddress);
// DWORD WINAPI ParseNetworkString( -in const WCHAR *NetworkString,
// -in DWORD Types,
// -out_opt PNET_ADDRESS_INFO AddressInfo,
// -out_opt USHORT *PortNumber,
// -out_opt BYTE *PrefixLength);
// ParseNetworkString function parses the input network string and checks whether it is a legal
// representation of the specified IP network string type. If the string matches a type and its
// specification, the function can optionally return the parsed result
// Return Value
// If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. // I think this means it returns 0.
// If the function fails, the return value is one of the following error codes.
// ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER - The buffer passed to the function is too small. This error is returned if the buffer pointed to by the AddressInfo parameter is too small to hold the parsed network address.
// ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - An invalid parameter was passed to the function. This error is returned if a NULL pointer is passed in the NetworkString parameter
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb408412(VS.85).aspx
Спасибо заранее.