У меня есть фрейм данных:
df <- structure(list(A = c("3 of 5", "1 of 2", "1 of 3", "1 of 3",
"3 of 4", "2 of 7"), B = c("2 of 2", "2 of 4", "0 of 1", "0 of 0",
"0 of 0", "0 of 0"), C = c("10 of 21", "3 of 14", "11 of 34",
"10 of 35", "16 of 53", "17 of 62"), D = c("0 of 0", "0 of 0",
"0 of 0", "0 of 0", "0 of 0", "0 of 0"), E = c("8 of 16", "3 of 15",
"10 of 32", "6 of 28", "13 of 49", "9 of 48")), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -6L))
|A |B |C |D |E |
|3 of 5 |2 of 2 |10 of 21 |0 of 0 |8 of 16 |
|1 of 2 |2 of 4 |3 of 14 |0 of 0 |3 of 15 |
|1 of 3 |0 of 1 |11 of 34 |0 of 0 |10 of 32 |
|1 of 3 |0 of 0 |10 of 35 |0 of 0 |6 of 28 |
|3 of 4 |0 of 0 |16 of 53 |0 of 0 |13 of 49 |
|2 of 7 |0 of 0 |17 of 62 |0 of 0 |9 of 48 |
Я хочу разделить каждый столбец на 2, оставив мне что-то вроде этого:
|A_attempted |A_landed |B_attempted |B_landed |C_attempted |C_landed |D_attempted |D_landed |E_attempted |E_landed |
|3 |5 |2 |2 |10 |21 |0 |0 |8 |16 |
|1 |2 |2 |4 |3 |14 |0 |0 |3 |15 |
|1 |3 |0 |1 |11 |34 |0 |0 |10 |32 |
|1 |3 |0 |0 |10 |35 |0 |0 |6 |28 |
|3 |4 |0 |0 |16 |53 |0 |0 |13 |49 |
|2 |7 |0 |0 |17 |62 |0 |0 |9 |48 |
Метод, который я использую до сих пор, таков:
df %>%
separate(A, sep = " of ", remove = T, into = c("A_attempted", "A_landed")) %>%
separate(B, sep = " of ", remove = T, into = c("B_attempted", "B_landed")) %>%
separate(C, sep = " of ", remove = T, into = c("C_attempted", "C_landed")) %>%
separate(D, sep = " of ", remove = T, into = c("D_attempted", "D_landed")) %>%
separate(E, sep = " of ", remove = T, into = c("E_attempted", "E_landed"))
Что не очень хорошо, учитывая, что у меня 15 переменных. Я бы предпочел решение с использованием map
Здесь есть ответ: Применить тидир :: разделить на несколько столбцов , но с использованием устаревших функций