Я хотел показать список почтовых клиентов всех приложений, установленных на iPhone.
В настоящее время я использую стороннюю библиотеку в соответствии с руководством, приведенным в следующем выпуске, но нет поддержки добавления вложения в него.
Ниже приведен следующий код: -Есть ли способ прикрепить к нему письмо на основе клиента, например Yahoo Mail, Gmail или iOS Mail
public static func clients() -> [ThirdPartyMailClient] {
return [
// sparrow:[to]?subject=[subject]&body=[body]
ThirdPartyMailClient(name: "Sparrow", URLScheme: "sparrow",
URLRoot: nil, URLRecipientKey: nil, URLSubjectKey: "subject", URLBodyKey: "body"),
// googlegmail:///co?to=[to]&subject=[subject]&body=[body]
ThirdPartyMailClient(name: "Gmail", URLScheme: "googlegmail",
URLRoot: nil, URLRecipientKey: "to", URLSubjectKey: "subject", URLBodyKey: "body"),
// airmail://compose?subject=[subject]&from=[from]&to=[to]&cc=[cc]&bcc=[bcc]&plainBody=[plainBody]&htmlBody=[htmlBody]
ThirdPartyMailClient(name: "Airmail", URLScheme: "airmail",
URLRoot: nil, URLRecipientKey: "to", URLSubjectKey: "subject", URLBodyKey: "plainBody"),
// ymail://mail/compose?subject=[subject]&body=[body]&to=[to]
ThirdPartyMailClient(name: "Yahoo Mail", URLScheme: "ymail", URLRoot: nil, URLRecipientKey: "to", URLSubjectKey: "subject", URLBodyKey: "body"),
ThirdPartyMailClient(name: "IOS Mail", URLScheme: "mailto", URLRoot: nil, URLRecipientKey: "to", URLSubjectKey: "subject", URLBodyKey: "body")]
Returns the compose URL for the mail client, based on its custom URL scheme.
- Parameters recipient: The recipient for the email message (optional).
- Parameters subject: The subject for the email message (optional).
- Parameters body: The body for the email message (optional).
- Returns: A `NSURL` opening the mail client for the given parameters.
public func composeURL(_ recipient: String?, subject: String?, body: String?) -> URL {
var components = URLComponents(string: "\(URLScheme):\(URLRoot ?? "")")
components?.scheme = self.URLScheme
if URLRecipientKey == nil {
if let recipient = recipient {
components = URLComponents(string: "\(URLScheme):\(URLRoot ?? "")\(recipient)")
var queryItems: [URLQueryItem] = []
if let recipient = recipient, let URLRecipientKey = URLRecipientKey {
queryItems.append(URLQueryItem(name: URLRecipientKey, value:recipient))
if let subject = subject, let URLSubjectKey = URLSubjectKey {
queryItems.append(URLQueryItem(name: URLSubjectKey, value:subject))
if let body = body, let URLBodyKey = URLBodyKey {
queryItems.append(URLQueryItem(name: URLBodyKey, value:body))
if queryItems.isEmpty == false {
components?.queryItems = queryItems
if let URL = components?.url {
return URL
else {
return URLComponents().url!