Очевидно, что если мы отправим форму вручную с помощью кода и не используем стандартные виджеты mvc-формы, это не вызовет уведомление автоматически.Нам также необходимо отправить уведомления с помощью кода. форма данных документации
// Gets the form object representing the 'ContactUs' form on the current site
BizFormInfo formObject = BizFormInfoProvider.GetBizFormInfo("ContactUs", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
if (formObject != null)
// Gets the class name of the 'ContactUs' form
DataClassInfo formClass = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(formObject.FormClassID);
string formClassName = formClass.ClassName;
// Creates a new data record for the form
BizFormItem newFormItem = BizFormItem.New(formClassName);
// Sets the values for the form's fields (UserMessage in this case)
newFormItem.SetValue("UserMessage", "This is a message submitted through the API.");
// Saves the new form record into the database
// Set values for all 'Required' fields in the form before calling the Insert method, otherwise an exception will occur
// Obtains a factory object used to create a form notification sender service for the given form
IBizFormMailSenderFactory senderFactory = Service.Resolve<IBizFormMailSenderFactory>();
// Creates an instance of the form notification sender for the inserted form item
IBizFormMailSender sender = senderFactory.GetFormMailSender(formObject, newFormItem);
// Sends a notification email to users (as specified on the form's 'Email notification' tab)
// Sends a confirmation email to the submitter (based on the form's autoresponder settings)