Для перетаскивания файла типа загрузки вы можете использовать указанный ниже код.Этот код перетаскивает файл из указанного вами места и помещает его в место загрузки файла.
ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
// locate the drop area
WebElement droparea = driver.findElement("file upload element");
Point point = droparea.getLocation();
int xcord = point.getX();
int ycord = point.getY();
// drop the file
DropFile(new File("location of file to be uploaded"), droparea, xcord ,ycord);
public static void DropFile(File filePath, WebElement target, int offsetX, int offsetY) {
throw new WebDriverException("File not found: " + filePath.toString());
WebDriver driver = ((RemoteWebElement)target).getWrappedDriver();
JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);
"var target = arguments[0]," +
" offsetX = arguments[1]," +
" offsetY = arguments[2]," +
" document = target.ownerDocument || document," +
" window = document.defaultView || window;" +
"" +
"var input = document.createElement('INPUT');" +
"input.type = 'file';" +
"input.style.display = 'none';" +
"input.onchange = function () {" +
" var rect = target.getBoundingClientRect()," +
" x = rect.left + (offsetX || (rect.width >> 1))," +
" y = rect.top + (offsetY || (rect.height >> 1))," +
" dataTransfer = { files: this.files };" +
"" +
" ['dragenter', 'dragover', 'drop'].forEach(function (name) {" +
" var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvent');" +
" evt.initMouseEvent(name, !0, !0, window, 0, 0, 0, x, y, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null);" +
" evt.dataTransfer = dataTransfer;" +
" target.dispatchEvent(evt);" +
" });" +
"" +
" setTimeout(function () { document.body.removeChild(input); }, 25);" +
"};" +
"document.body.appendChild(input);" +
"return input;";
WebElement input = (WebElement)jse.executeScript(JS_DROP_FILE, target, offsetX, offsetY);