Здесь есть несколько проблем, и ваша ошибка нулевой ссылки является основным источником.
Я прокомментирую ваш код, чтобы показать вам, где вы идете не так, и предоставлю альтернативное решение.
// If possible it would be better to assign this object in the inspect rather then
// using a GameObject.Find method, Also this is error prone due to the timing of
// the call, for example if this is in a start this Object may not exist yet.
// Another solution would to be create an event and when you load the skin
// Have that event fire off that its been loaded and everything that needs
// to listen to it will get the change.
lesnek = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("LeWorm");
// GetString has an alternative method where you can pass a default value
// I would recommend using this method instead.
objName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("meshName"); // POINT A
// Honestly this check seems a tad bit redundant since you already
// attempted to load this preference.
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("meshName")) // Since you have said this is empty playerPrefs is empty.
// At this point it should equal this since you already set it to this in Point A
if (objName == PlayerPrefs.GetString("meshName"))
leMesh = Resources.Load<GameObject>(@"Models\" + objName);
// This case should never get called, because of Point A and your if condition.
objName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("meshName");
leMesh = Resources.Load<GameObject>(@"Models\" + objName);
if (objName != null || objName != "") // This completely nullifies all the work in Point B
objName = "Sphere";
leMesh = Resources.Load<GameObject>(@"Models\" + objName);
foreach (GameObject change in lesnek)
if (objName != null || objName != "")
if (change.GetComponent<MeshFilter>() == null)
change.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = leMesh.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
PlayerPrefs.SetString("meshName", objName);
change.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = leMesh.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
PlayerPrefs.SetString("meshName", objName);
Не вдаваясь в подробности и предполагая, что это в форме метода инициализации, а не начала, это изменения, которые я бы сделал
// This would be better as a class variable rather then a local variable
string meshName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("meshName", "Sphere");
// Skipping point B because it is redundant
leMesh = Resources.Load<GameObject>(@"Models\" + meshName); // Is this a GameObject or is it a Mesh???
MeshFilter leMeshFilter = leMesh.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if(leMeshFilter != null)
foreach (GameObject change in lesnek)
MeshFilter meshFilter = change.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if(meshFilter != null)
meshFilter.mesh = leMeshFilter.sharedMesh;
meshFilter = change.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
meshFilter.mesh = leMeshFilter.sharedMesh;
Единственное, что в этом примере не делается, это сохранить вашу PlayerPreference,Это то, что нужно делать только при смене скина.Поэтому, где бы вы ни делали это, сохраняйте предпочтения.