В первый раз, используя Markdown
в Laravel
проекте, и он не отображается должным образом.
Вот мой Markdown
![{{ config('app.name') }}][logo]
[logo]: {{ asset(config('app.vars.logo_small')) }}
Subscription payment failure!
| | |
| ---------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Charge: | {{ $payment->stripe_currency }} {{ $payment->charge_fmt }} |
| Card: | {{ $payment->stripe_card_brand }} |
| Last 4: | {{ '∎∎∎∎ ∎∎∎∎ ∎∎∎∎ ' . $payment->stripe_card_last4 }} |
| Expiry: | {{ $payment->stripe_card_exp_month }}/{{ $payment->stripe_card_exp_year }} |
| Description: | {{ $payment->stripe_description }} |
We tried to bill your subscription but were unable due to unavailable funds.
Но он выглядит так:
Subscription payment failure!
<div class="table">
Charge: usd $10.42
Card: mastercard
Last 4: ∎∎∎∎ ∎∎∎∎ ∎∎∎∎ 4444
Expiry: 4/2044
Description: App Data plan - Regular - 28/04/2019-28/05/2019
We tried to bill your subscription but were unable due to unavailable funds.
Почему отображается тег <table>