Согласно приведенному выше комментарию, вот рабочий пример того, как вы можете рекурсивно перебирать «плоский» список. Я оставлю это базовым, и вы можете применить его к вашему конкретному варианту использования.
//my test class for the 'flat' folder structure
public class Item
public string Id { get; set; }
public string ParentId { get; set; }
public string title { get; set; }
public List<Item> subs { get; set; }
public Item()
this.Id = "";
this.ParentId = "";
this.title = "";
this.subs = new List<Item>();
//example using MVC controller
public class YourController : Controller
//var to hold all the 'flat' data
private List<Item> fulllist = new List<Item>();
//recursive method to loop through the flat list
public List<Item> GetChildren(string parentId)
List<Item> result = new List<Item>();
foreach (Item child in fulllist.Where(n=>n.ParentId == parentId))
child.subs = GetChildren(child.Id);
return result;
public ActionResult Index()
//populate the flat list with test data (multi-level)
fulllist.Add(new Item()
{Id = "1", ParentId = "", title = "main 1"});
fulllist.Add(new Item()
{Id = "2", ParentId = "", title = "main 2"});
fulllist.Add(new Item()
{Id = "3", ParentId = "1", title = "main 1 - sub 1"});
fulllist.Add(new Item()
{Id = "4", ParentId = "", title = "main 3"});
fulllist.Add(new Item()
{Id = "5", ParentId = "4", title = "main 3 - sub 1"});
fulllist.Add(new Item()
{Id = "6", ParentId = "5", title = "main 3 - sub 1 - subsub 1"});
fulllist.Add(new Item()
{Id = "7", ParentId = "", title = "main 4"});
fulllist.Add(new Item()
{Id = "8", ParentId = "7", title = "main 4 - sub 1"});
//get from the start of the tree
var output = GetChildren("");
return Json(output, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);