В настоящее время появляется ошибка, что свойство bankOffer в моем bean-компоненте не найдено ..
Это из моего файла game.jsp, показанного ниже:
<%@page import="game.Briefcase"%>
<jsp:useBean id="game" class="game.Game" scope="session" />
// If the 'open' parameter is received, it is converted to
// an integer and passed to the method setOpen. The value given
// is the corresponding index for the ArrayList Object.
if (request.getParameter("open") != null) {
// If the 'restart' parameter is given, then the restart method
// is invoked on the game bean.
if (request.getParameter("restart") != null) {
// If the deal parameter is given, then it converts it to a Boolean
// value and performs a conditional test. If the parameter is true,
// then the deal has been made so the page is forwarded to the deal.jsp.
// Otherwise, the gameRound() is incremented cause it is NO DEAL!.
if (request.getParameter("deal") != null) {
if (Boolean.parseBoolean(request.getParameter("deal"))) {
} else {
// If there is a Bank Offer, it will display the amount offered with
// two buttons to either accept or refuse.
if (!game.getDeal()) {
if (game.offerTime()) {%>
<div id="bank_offer">
<div id="bank_offer_title"></div>
<div id="deal_button" onclick="deal(true)"></div>
<div id="bank_offer_text">
<div id="bank_offer_amount">$<jsp:getProperty name="game" property="bankOffer" /></div>
<div id="bank_offer_message">Highest amount left: $<jsp:getProperty name="game" property="highestAmount" /></div>
<div id="nodeal_button" onclick="deal(false)"></div>
// Otherwise, the Briefcases will be displayed along with a game message
// above the cases.
} else {
<div id="game_message">
<div id="game_round">
<% if (game.getRound() > 0) { %>
Round: <jsp:getProperty name="game" property="round" />
<% } %>
<div id="game_text">
<jsp:getProperty name="game" property="message" />
<div id="cases">
int index = 0;
// Iterates For Each Briefcase
for (Briefcase briefcase : game.getcases()) {
// If the Briefcase is not opened, then it is displayed as closed with the
// number assigned. Otherwise, if the Briefcase is opened then it is displayed
// as open with the amount value inside.
if (!briefcase.isOpened()) {
// If the Briefcase is the chosen case, then it will be displayed with
// 'Your Briefcase' on the image. The Briefcase's once pressed invokes
// a JavaScript function called openBriefcase() which passes the
// index. The function then invokes an Ajax call to the same .jsp which the
// html is then placed into the game container on the main index.jsp.
<div onclick="openBriefcase(<%=index%>)" class="<%=(((game.getChosen() != null)
&& game.getChosen().equals(briefcase)) ? "briefcase_chosen" : "briefcase_closed")%>">
<div class="briefcase_number"><%=briefcase.getNumber()%></div></div>
<%} else {
// Once the case is opened it gets displayed with an open background
// with the case amount centered.
<div class="briefcase_open">
<div class="briefcase_amount">$<%=briefcase.getValue()%></div>
} else { %>
<div id="deal_message">
Deal $<jsp:getProperty name="game" property="bankOffer" />
Хму, чтобы связать любые другие необходимые файлы. Предыдущий файл - это индекс jsp, который отлично загружается с другим моим динамическим контентом, но не загружает game.jsp.
Помощь будет принята с благодарностью, это первый раз, когда мне приходится широко использовать jsp, поэтому сейчас я в растерянности ..