Этот подход должен работать для вас, предполагая, что группировка 3 записей основана на столбце «nr».
Использование udf
, который решает, должна ли быть выбрана запись, и lag
, используется для получения данных предыдущих строк.
def tag_selected(index, current_quant, prev_quant1, prev_quant2):
if index % 3 == 1: # first record in each group is always selected
return True
if index % 3 == 2 and current_quant != prev_quant1: # second record will be selected if prev quant is not same as current
return True
if index % 3 == 0 and current_quant != prev_quant1 and current_quant != prev_quant2: # third record will be selected if prev quant are not same as current
return True
return False
tag_selected_udf = udf(tag_selected, BooleanType())
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1, "a", "2"), (2, "b", "2"),(3, "c", "2"), (4, "d", "2"),
(5, "b", "3"), (6, "b", "3"),(7, "c", "2")], ["nr", "column2", "quant"])
window = Window.orderBy("nr")
df = df.withColumn("prev_quant1", lag(col("quant"),1, None).over(window))\
.withColumn("prev_quant2", lag(col("quant"),2, None).over(window)) \
.filter(col('selected') == True).drop("prev_quant1","prev_quant2","selected")
что дает
| nr|column2|quant|
| 1| a| 2|
| 4| d| 2|
| 5| b| 3|
| 7| c| 2|