Я учусь декомпилировать и анализировать файл dll с именем d3d9.dll, поскольку я знаю, что строковые константы хранятся в разделе .rdata для dll, но, как показано ниже (окно строк IDA), они хранятся в разделе .text.Я не знаю, почему это так.И когда они хранятся в .rdata, а когда в .text?
.text:4FE45850 00000050 C Declaration can't map to legacy FVF because a nonzero stream index is used: %d.
.text:4FE458A0 0000007B C Declaration can't map to fixed function FVF because fixed function pipeline does not support generation methods %s or %s.
.text:4FE45920 000000B9 C Declaration can't map to fixed function FVF because fixed function requires that generation methods %s, %s or %s can only be used with type %s and usage being one of: %s, %s, %s or %s.
.text:4FE459E0 0000008D C Declaration can't map to fixed function FVF because fixed function requires that generation method %s can only be used with usages %s or %s.
.text:4FE45A70 000000A3 C Declaration can't map to fixed function FVF because gaps or overlap between vertex elements are not allowed. Offset encountered is: %d, but expected offset is %d.
.text:4FE45B18 0000005E C Declaration can't map to fixed function FVF because the type for this element is unsupported.
.text:4FE45B78 00000072 C Declaration can't map to fixed function FVF because a generation method other than D3DDECLMETHOD_DEFAULT is used.