Если вам нужен идеальный ответ, вы должны создать и просмотреть все возможные наборы ответов. Если вам нужен достаточно хороший ответ, то стоит использовать метод имитации отжига. Вот некоторый C-код, который использует очень примитивный график охлаждения, чтобы найти ответ.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAXPAR 50
#define MAXTRIES 10000000
int data1[] = {192,130,446,328,40,174,218,31,59,234,26,365,253,11,198,98,
} ;
int data2[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 } ;
// What does the set sum to
int sumSet ( int data[], int len )
int result = 0 ;
for ( int i=0; i < len; ++i )
result += data[i] ;
return result ;
// Print out a set
void printSet ( int data[], int len )
for ( int i=0; i < len; ++i )
printf ( "%d ", data[i] ) ;
printf ( " Sums to %d\n", sumSet ( data,len ) ) ;
// Partition the values using simulated annealing
void partition ( int data[], size_t len )
int set1[MAXPAR] = {0} ; // Parttition 1
int set2[MAXPAR] = {0} ; // Parttition 2
int set1Pos, set2Pos, dataPos, set1Len, set2Len ; // Data about the partitions
int minDiff ; // The best solution found so far
int sum1, sum2, diff ;
int tries = MAXTRIES ; // Don't loop for ever
set1Len = set2Len = -1 ;
dataPos = 0 ;
// Initialize the two partitions
while ( dataPos < len )
set1[++set1Len] = data[dataPos++] ;
if ( dataPos < len )
set2[++set2Len] = data[dataPos++] ;
// Very primitive simulated annealing solution
sum1 = sumSet ( set1, set1Len ) ;
sum2 = sumSet ( set2, set2Len ) ;
diff = sum1 - sum2 ; // The initial difference - we want to minimize this
minDiff = sum1 + sum2 ;
printf ( "Initial diff is %d\n", diff ) ;
// Loop until a solution is found or all are tries are exhausted
while ( diff != 0 && tries > 0 )
// Look for swaps that improves the difference
int newDiff, newSum1, newSum2 ;
set1Pos = rand() % set1Len ;
set2Pos = rand() % set2Len ;
newSum1 = sum1 - set1[set1Pos] + set2[set2Pos] ;
newSum2 = sum2 + set1[set1Pos] - set2[set2Pos] ;
newDiff = newSum1 - newSum2 ;
if ( abs ( newDiff ) < abs ( diff ) || // Is this a better solution?
tries/100 > rand() % MAXTRIES ) // Or shall we just swap anyway - chance of swap decreases as tries reduces
int tmp = set1[set1Pos] ;
set1[set1Pos] = set2[set2Pos] ;
set2[set2Pos] = tmp ;
diff = newDiff ;
sum1 = newSum1 ;
sum2 = newSum2 ;
// Print it out if its the best we have seen so far
if ( abs ( diff ) < abs ( minDiff ) )
minDiff = diff ;
printSet ( set1, set1Len ) ;
printSet ( set2, set2Len ) ;
printf ( "diff of %d\n\n", abs ( diff ) ) ;
--tries ;
printf ( "done\n" ) ;
int main ( int argc, char **argv )
// Change this to init rand from the clock say if you don't want the same
// results repoduced evert time!
srand ( 12345 ) ;
partition ( data1, 31 ) ;
partition ( data2, 9 ) ;
return 0;