Должен ли объект, который создает рекламу (например, Banner, Interstitial) быть одиночным? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 20 июня 2019

Продолжая через Google AdMob читать о реализации для различных объявлений:

https://developers.google.com/admob/unity/banner https://developers.google.com/admob/unity/interstitial

Сейчас у меня есть C # Script, который реализует эти объявления иЯ продолжаю создавать игровой объект внутри моего инспектора, который имеет этот сценарий.

Я считаю, что этого достаточно для того, чтобы я получил простой ответ, надеюсь, без какого-либо кода и очень общего кода.

Я хотел бы знать, следует ли инициализировать этот объект только один раз, в идеале в сцене главного меню, и использовать его в других сценах для управления ссылкой на эти объявления.


Удалите существующий игровой объект, который управляет этими объявлениями, чтобы затем следующая сцена создавала новую, потенциально показывая рекламу, отличную от предыдущей.


Скрипт AdManager:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using GoogleMobileAds.Api;

public class AdManager : MonoBehaviour

public static AdManager instance;

//Test id: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713
private string APP_ID = "An id";

private BannerView bannerAD;
private InterstitialAd interstitialAD;

private void Awake()
    if (instance != null)
        instance = this;

// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()


private void RequestBannerAD()
    string banner_ID = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111";
    bannerAD = new BannerView(banner_ID, AdSize.Banner, AdPosition.Bottom);

    // Called when an ad request has successfully loaded.
    bannerAD.OnAdLoaded += HandleOnAdLoaded;
    // Called when an ad request failed to load.
    bannerAD.OnAdFailedToLoad += HandleOnAdFailedToLoad;
    // Called when an ad is clicked.
    bannerAD.OnAdOpening += HandleOnAdOpened;
    // Called when the user returned from the app after an ad click.
    bannerAD.OnAdClosed += HandleOnAdClosed;
    // Called when the ad click caused the user to leave the application.
    bannerAD.OnAdLeavingApplication += HandleOnAdLeavingApplication;

    //AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().Build();

    AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().AddTestDevice("2077ef9a63d2b398840261c8221a0c9b").Build();


     void HandleOnAdLoaded(object sender, EventArgs args)


     void HandleOnAdFailedToLoad(object sender, AdFailedToLoadEventArgs args)

     void HandleOnAdOpened(object sender, EventArgs args)
        MonoBehaviour.print("HandleAdOpened event received");


     void HandleOnAdClosed(object sender, EventArgs args)
        MonoBehaviour.print("HandleAdClosed event received");


     void HandleOnAdLeavingApplication(object sender, EventArgs args)
        MonoBehaviour.print("HandleAdLeavingApplication event received");

public void Display_Banner()

public void DestroyBanner()

private void RequestInterstitialAD()
    string interstitial_ID = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712";
    interstitialAD = new InterstitialAd(interstitial_ID);

    // Called when an ad request has successfully loaded.
    interstitialAD.OnAdLoaded += HandleOnAdLoaded;
    // Called when an ad request failed to load.
    interstitialAD.OnAdFailedToLoad += HandleOnAdFailedToLoad;
    // Called when an ad is clicked.
    interstitialAD.OnAdOpening += HandleOnAdOpened;
    // Called when the user returned from the app after an ad click.
    interstitialAD.OnAdClosed += HandleOnAdClosed;
    // Called when the ad click caused the user to leave the application.
    interstitialAD.OnAdLeavingApplication += HandleOnAdLeavingApplication;

    //AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().Build();

    AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().AddTestDevice("2077ef9a63d2b398840261c8221a0c9b").Build();


    void HandleOnAdLoaded(object sender, EventArgs args)


    void HandleOnAdFailedToLoad(object sender, AdFailedToLoadEventArgs args)


    void HandleOnAdOpened(object sender, EventArgs args)
        MonoBehaviour.print("HandleAdOpened event received");


    void HandleOnAdClosed(object sender, EventArgs args)
        MonoBehaviour.print("HandleAdClosed event received");


    void HandleOnAdLeavingApplication(object sender, EventArgs args)
        MonoBehaviour.print("HandleAdLeavingApplication event received");

public void Display_Interstitial()
    if (interstitialAD.IsLoaded())

public void DestroyInterstitial()


Сценарий MenuLoader (фрагмент к промежуточному вызову, прикрепленный к кнопке пользовательского интерфейса):

public void LoadGameOver()

private IEnumerator WaitAndLoad_GameOver()
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(gameOver_loadDelay);
    SceneManager.LoadScene("Game Over");

РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ 2 (в ответ на Eliasar):

06-20 22:07:13.988  6492  6518 E Unity   : NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
06-20 22:07:13.988  6492  6518 E Unity   :   at AdManager.Display_Banner () [0x00000] in <0b5b8f6032c04370a5fa0fecd73ecd6b>:0 
06-20 22:07:13.988  6492  6518 E Unity   :   at MenuLoader+<WaitAndLoad_Game>d__6.MoveNext () [0x00084] in <0b5b8f6032c04370a5fa0fecd73ecd6b>:0 
06-20 22:07:13.988  6492  6518 E Unity   :   at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00027] in <1f017b19aaf9475abf1041405dbaf390>:0 
06-20 22:07:13.988  6492  6518 E Unity   :  


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using GoogleMobileAds.Api;

public static class AdManager

    //public static AdManager instance;

    //Test id: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713
    private static string APP_ID = "An id";

    private static BannerView bannerAD;
    private static InterstitialAd interstitialAD;

    //private void Awake()
    //    if (instance != null)
    //    {
    //        Destroy(gameObject);
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
    //        instance = this;
    //        DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject);
    //    }

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    //void Start()
    //    //MobileAds.Initialize(APP_ID);

    //    RequestBannerAD();
    //    RequestInterstitialAD();

    private static void RequestBannerAD()
        string banner_ID = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111";
        bannerAD = new BannerView(banner_ID, AdSize.Banner, AdPosition.Bottom);

        // Called when an ad request has successfully loaded.
        bannerAD.OnAdLoaded += HandleOnAdLoaded;
        // Called when an ad request failed to load.
        bannerAD.OnAdFailedToLoad += HandleOnAdFailedToLoad;
        // Called when an ad is clicked.
        bannerAD.OnAdOpening += HandleOnAdOpened;
        // Called when the user returned from the app after an ad click.
        bannerAD.OnAdClosed += HandleOnAdClosed;
        // Called when the ad click caused the user to leave the application.
        bannerAD.OnAdLeavingApplication += HandleOnAdLeavingApplication;

        //AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().Build();

        //FOR TESTING
        AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().AddTestDevice("2077ef9a63d2b398840261c8221a0c9b").Build();


         void HandleOnAdLoaded(object sender, EventArgs args)


         void HandleOnAdFailedToLoad(object sender, AdFailedToLoadEventArgs args)

         void HandleOnAdOpened(object sender, EventArgs args)
            MonoBehaviour.print("HandleAdOpened event received");


         void HandleOnAdClosed(object sender, EventArgs args)
            MonoBehaviour.print("HandleAdClosed event received");


         void HandleOnAdLeavingApplication(object sender, EventArgs args)
            MonoBehaviour.print("HandleAdLeavingApplication event received");

    public static void Display_Banner()

    public static void DestroyBanner()

    private static void RequestInterstitialAD()
        string interstitial_ID = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712";
        interstitialAD = new InterstitialAd(interstitial_ID);

        // Called when an ad request has successfully loaded.
        interstitialAD.OnAdLoaded += HandleOnAdLoaded;
        // Called when an ad request failed to load.
        interstitialAD.OnAdFailedToLoad += HandleOnAdFailedToLoad;
        // Called when an ad is clicked.
        interstitialAD.OnAdOpening += HandleOnAdOpened;
        // Called when the user returned from the app after an ad click.
        interstitialAD.OnAdClosed += HandleOnAdClosed;
        // Called when the ad click caused the user to leave the application.
        interstitialAD.OnAdLeavingApplication += HandleOnAdLeavingApplication;

        //AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().Build();

        //FOR TESTING
        AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().AddTestDevice("2077ef9a63d2b398840261c8221a0c9b").Build();


        void HandleOnAdLoaded(object sender, EventArgs args)


        void HandleOnAdFailedToLoad(object sender, AdFailedToLoadEventArgs args)


        void HandleOnAdOpened(object sender, EventArgs args)
            MonoBehaviour.print("HandleAdOpened event received");


        void HandleOnAdClosed(object sender, EventArgs args)
            MonoBehaviour.print("HandleAdClosed event received");


        void HandleOnAdLeavingApplication(object sender, EventArgs args)
            MonoBehaviour.print("HandleAdLeavingApplication event received");

    public static void Display_Interstitial()
        if (interstitialAD.IsLoaded())

    public static void DestroyInterstitial()


MenuLoader (редактирование фрагмента):

public void LoadGameOver()

private IEnumerator WaitAndLoad_GameOver()
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(gameOver_loadDelay);
    SceneManager.LoadScene("Game Over");