I am using Gemfire pivotal for the first time and I need someone who can help me with below question. The Gemfire Pivotal 9.6 is installed on Unix server and I am able to connect to Unix with no issue. I am inside unix now, but I can't access Gemfire.
Q. How to Access OQL Query on a Gemfire 9.6 Region in java.
Так я подключился к Unix.
private String host = "имя хоста пошло сюда";
private String port = "номер порта здесь";
private String user = "userID";
private String password = "пароль"
private String SSH command = "ssh ------"
private String commandBah = "bash";
private String commandgfish = "sh /data/gemfire9.6/pivotal-gemfire-9.6.0/bin/gfsh";
This is the way I am trying to connect to Gemfire which is not working properly now.
// Gemfire Connection URL, username and password
private String connect To Gemfire = "connect --locator=--------";
private String username = "credential";--
private String command Pass = "password"
private String comman Setvariable = "set variable --name=APP_RESULT_VIEWER --value=EXTERNAL";