Первый аргумент функции bind
устанавливает значение this
при вызове функции.
// You have an object
var obj = { test: "Yeah, test!" };
// We check the object properties
// We define a function to work with an argument
function check(myobj) {
console.log("Is the same object?", obj === myobj);
console.log("Is the same object?", myobj.test);
// Now we define a function that will work with an object as "this"
function checkthis() {
// Notice how I use the "this" keyword, which will be the one that inherits or the one that you set
console.log("Is the same object?", obj === this);
console.log("Is the same object?", this.test);
// We call the first check
// Now we call the second checkthis but with another "this" context
// The first argument of call() will set the "this" context of the function and then call it instantly.
// And now we are going to save another function with the this context changed.
// The first argument of bind() will also set the "this" context, but will save a reference of the function for later use, instead of calling it.
var newcheckthis = checkthis.bind(obj);
// Now we call this new function.
Обратите внимание, что newcheckthis
- это функция checkthis
, но с измененным контекстом this
. checkthis
сохранит свой контекст.
Кроме того, с помощью bind
вы можете принудительно создать ссылку на функцию с помощью this
. контекст изменен и заданы аргументы по умолчанию.
// We create a function that will sum the some this object value to an argument
function sum(sumvalue) {
return this.value + sumvalue;
// We create the main object
var obj = { value: 10 };
// Then we call the function setting the "this" context and passing an argument
// Note how I pass obj as the first argument and 5 as the second
// Actually it will set as the first argument (sumvalue) the second argument in the call, as the first argument in the call will be set to the "this" context.
var result = sum.call(obj, 5);
// And we can use the same trick with bind()
var newsum = sum.bind(obj, 5);
// Now we have a newsum function that has the this context set to "obj" and the first argument (sumvalue) set to 5 by default, which cannot be replaced.
// If we cann the function, it will di the same as the call() function above
result = newsum();
// result will still be 15.
Итак, call()
и bind()
(есть еще один: apply()
, но работает немного по-другому) будут иметь эту подпись: