Я не знаю, будет ли это работать с вашей текущей настройкой, но вы также можете найти расширение nw
полезным. Например, попробуйте эту настройку (я прошу прощения за длину, просто приближая ваш мир):
extensions [ nw ]
breed [ nodes node ]
breed [ trucks truck ]
breed [ cells cell ]
to setup
resize-world -29 29 -14 14
ask patches with [ ( pxcor mod 5 = 0 or pycor = 0 ) ] [
set pcolor grey
sprout-nodes 1 [
set size 0.5
set shape "circle"
set color green
ask nodes [
create-links-with turtles-on neighbors4 [
set color green
ask n-of 5 nodes [
hatch 1 [
set size 1
set color red
set breed trucks
set shape "car"
ask n-of 2 trucks [
set color blue
ask one-of nodes [
ask one-of neighbors with [ pcolor = black ] [
sprout-cells 1 [
set size 1.5
set shape "box"
set color yellow
Дает простой мир, подобный этому:
Вы можете использовать расширение nw
для вычисления расстояний на лету, а не сохранять их в таблице на ячейку, и чтобы вилочные погрузчики (грузовики здесь) следовали по кратчайшему пути. Подробнее в комментариях:
to summon-nearest-truck
; Treat blue trucks as 'empty' and ready to go to a cell
let ready-trucks trucks with [ color = blue ]
; Get the nodes associated with those ready trucks
let truck-proxies turtle-set map [ i -> [nodes-on patch-here] of i ] sort ready-trucks
; Randomly ask one of the cells to
ask one-of cells [
; Choose one of the neighboring road nodes as a proxy for distance calculation
let node-proxy one-of nodes-on neighbors4
; Get the node proxy to:
ask node-proxy [
; Find the nearest (by network distance) trucks, and select the node
; located on the same patch as that truck
let my-truck-proxy min-one-of truck-proxies [length ( nw:turtles-on-path-to myself) ]
; Get that truck-proxy node to generate the path to the original asking node
; and have the appropriate truck follow that path
ask my-truck-proxy [
; Generate the path to follow
let path-to-follow nw:turtles-on-path-to myself
; Highlight that path for visualization
ask turtle-set path-to-follow [
set color orange
; Get the truck ready to move
let ready-truck one-of trucks-here with [ color = blue ]
ask ready-truck[
set color yellow
; Move that truck along the path-to-follow
ask ready-truck [
foreach path-to-follow [
n ->
face n
move-to n
; For visualization only
wait 0.1
Желтое поле вызывает ближайший грузовик в зависимости от длины nw:turtles-on-path-to
, которая возвращается. Этот грузовик следует по пути к узлу вызова: