Я отправляю идентификатор и список из angular в C # web API, но он получает нулевое значение при отладке метода, не зная причины.
angular service
this.deletevacs = function (staffid, vacs) {
return $http.post("/AssignUserToDepartmentapi/api/assignuser/deletevacs?staffid=" + staffid + '&vacs=' + JSON.stringify(vacs))
угловой JS
var result = DevExpress.ui.dialog.confirm("Are you sure want to delete vacations assigned employees ?", "Confirm changes");
result.done(function (dialogResult) {
if (dialogResult) {
var promisePost = Assignments.deletevacs($scope.SelectedEmp1.staffkey, $scope.oldvacs);
promisePost.then(function (pl) {
toastr.success("Successfully deleted");
C #
public HttpResponseMessage deletevacs(int staffid,int[] vacs)
obj.ExecNonQuery(string.Format("delete from HR_AssRole_Dep where staff_key={0} and Role=7 and Current_Flag=1 and VacMKey ={1}"
, staffid
, vacs));
catch (Exception ex)
HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
return response;
любая помощь, заранее спасибо
новый C #
public HttpResponseMessage deletevacs([FromBody] role r)
obj.ExecNonQuery(string.Format("delete from HR_AssRole_Dep where staff_key={0} and Role=7 and Current_Flag=1 and VacMKey ={1}"
, r.VacMKey));
HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
return response;
public class role
//public int Ass_Dep_Key { get; set; }
public int Dep_Key { get; set; }
public int Staff_Key { get; set; }
public int Role { get; set; }
public List<int> VacMKey { get; set; }
public short SelfApprov { get; set; }
new angular
var deletevacssss = { Staff_Key: $scope.SelectedEmp1.staffkey, VacMKey: $scope.selectedvacs };
var result = DevExpress.ui.dialog.confirm("Are you sure want to delete vacations assigned employees ?", "Confirm changes");
result.done(function (dialogResult) {
if (dialogResult) {
var promisePost = Assignments.deletevacs(deletevacssss);
promisePost.then(function (pl) {
toastr.success("Successfully deleted");
new angular service
this.deletevacs = function (deletes) {
return $http.post("/AssignUserToDepartmentapi/api/assignuser/deletevacs", deletes)
когда я делаю отладку, объект r из класса ролей правильно получает ключ персонала из angular, но списокСчетчик Vacmkey на 0 ???