Конвертировать ИЛИ в Союз в LINQ - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 07 июня 2019

ИЛИ предложение в запросе LINQ вызывает проблемы с производительностью.Если я поменяю его на Union, производительность значительно улучшится.Вот текущий запрос.Как преобразовать (includeBatch && i.BatchId != null || includeSingle && i.BatchId == null) эту часть запроса в Union.

Исходный вызов:

var inputs = _inputRepository.GetProcessorQueue(includeBatch, includeSingle, companyIds);

Текущее решение: Выполнение двух вызовов и выполнение операции объединения

if (includeSingle && includeBatch)
var inputsSingle = _inputRepository.GetProcessorQueue(false, includeSingle, companyIds);
var inputsBatch = _inputRepository.GetProcessorQueue(includeBatch, false, companyIds);  

return inputsSingle.Union(inputsBatch).ToList();
var inputs = _inputRepository.GetProcessorQueue(includeBatch, includeSingle, companyIds);
return inputs.Select(Input.ToQueueInputExpression(inputQueueMetaDataTypes)).ToList();

Исходный LINQ:

public IQueryable<Input> GetProcessorQueue(bool includeBatch, bool includeSingle, int[] companyIds)
            return FindAsQueryableReadOnly(i => !i.IsDeleted
                && i.InputTypeId == (int)InputType.Values.TRANSPORTATION
                && i.ExportedStatusId != (int)ExportedStatus.Values.EXPORTED
                && ImportStatus.DataEntryQueue.Contains(i.ImportStatusId) 
                && ((i.TransportationInput.TransportationInputTypeId == (int)TransportationInputType.Values.FACTOR
                        && (includeBatch && i.BatchId != null || includeSingle && i.BatchId == null)
                        && !i.DocumentOnlyStatus)
                    || (includeBatch && i.BatchId != null && i.DocumentOnlyStatus && i.InputDocumentStats.DocumentId != null)
                && (companyIds == null || !companyIds.Any() || companyIds.Contains(i.CompanyId)),
                i => i.Batch,
                i => i.ImportStatus,
                i => i.InputCharges,
                i => i.InputDocumentStats,
                i => i.InputDocumentStats.DocumentOrigin,
                i => i.InputDocumentStats.Document.DocumentMetaData);

Исходный SQL: (удаленный оператор select для удобства чтения)

FROM [eroom].[Input] AS [i]
INNER JOIN [eroom].[ImportStatus] AS [i.ImportStatus] ON [i].[ImportStatusId] = [i.ImportStatus].[ImportStatusId]
LEFT JOIN [eroom].[Batch] AS [i.Batch] ON [i].[BatchId] = [i.Batch].[BatchId]
LEFT JOIN [eroom].[InputDocumentStats] AS [i.InputDocumentStats] ON [i].[InputId] = [i.InputDocumentStats].[InputId]
LEFT JOIN [eroom].[DocumentOrigin] AS [i.InputDocumentStats.DocumentOrigin] ON [i.InputDocumentStats].[DocumentOriginId] = [i.InputDocumentStats.DocumentOrigin].[DocumentOriginId]
LEFT JOIN [eroom].[Document] AS [i.InputDocumentStats.Document] ON [i.InputDocumentStats].[DocumentId] = [i.InputDocumentStats.Document].[DocumentId]
LEFT JOIN [eroom].[TransportationInput] AS [i.TransportationInput] ON [i].[InputId] = [i.TransportationInput].[InputId]
WHERE ((((([i].[HiddenStatus] = 0) AND ([i].[InputTypeId] = 1)) AND ([i].[ExportedStatusId] <> 3)) AND [i].[ImportStatusId] IN (1, 4, 5, 7)) AND (((([i.TransportationInput].[TransportationInputTypeId] = 1) AND ([i].[BatchId] IS NOT NULL OR [i].[BatchId] IS NULL)) AND ([i].[DocumentOnlyStatus] = 0)) OR (([i].[BatchId] IS NOT NULL AND ([i].[DocumentOnlyStatus] = 1)) AND [i.InputDocumentStats].[DocumentId] IS NOT NULL))) AND [i].[CompanyId] IN (1, 2, 3)

Лучшая производительность SQL (удаленный оператор select для удобства чтения)

FROM [eroom].[Input] AS [i]
INNER JOIN [eroom].[ImportStatus] AS [i.ImportStatus] ON [i].[ImportStatusId] = [i.ImportStatus].[ImportStatusId]
LEFT JOIN [eroom].[Batch] AS [i.Batch] ON [i].[BatchId] = [i.Batch].[BatchId]
LEFT JOIN [eroom].[InputDocumentStats] AS [i.InputDocumentStats] ON [i].[InputId] = [i.InputDocumentStats].[InputId]
LEFT JOIN [eroom].[DocumentOrigin] AS [i.InputDocumentStats.DocumentOrigin] ON [i.InputDocumentStats].[DocumentOriginId] = [i.InputDocumentStats.DocumentOrigin].[DocumentOriginId]
LEFT JOIN [eroom].[Document] AS [i.InputDocumentStats.Document] ON [i.InputDocumentStats].[DocumentId] = [i.InputDocumentStats.Document].[DocumentId]
LEFT JOIN [eroom].[TransportationInput] AS [i.TransportationInput] ON [i].[InputId] = [i.TransportationInput].[InputId]
WHERE ((((([i].[HiddenStatus] = 0) AND ([i].[InputTypeId] = 1)) AND ([i].[ExportedStatusId] <> 3)) AND [i].[ImportStatusId] IN (1, 4, 5, 7)) AND (((([i.TransportationInput].[TransportationInputTypeId] = 1) AND [i].[BatchId] IS NOT NULL) AND ([i].[DocumentOnlyStatus] = 0)) OR (([i].[BatchId] IS NOT NULL AND ([i].[DocumentOnlyStatus] = 1)) AND [i.InputDocumentStats].[DocumentId] IS NOT NULL))) AND [i].[CompanyId] IN (1, 2, 3)


FROM [eroom].[Input] AS [i]
INNER JOIN [eroom].[ImportStatus] AS [i.ImportStatus] ON [i].[ImportStatusId] = [i.ImportStatus].[ImportStatusId]
LEFT JOIN [eroom].[Batch] AS [i.Batch] ON [i].[BatchId] = [i.Batch].[BatchId]
LEFT JOIN [eroom].[InputDocumentStats] AS [i.InputDocumentStats] ON [i].[InputId] = [i.InputDocumentStats].[InputId]
LEFT JOIN [eroom].[DocumentOrigin] AS [i.InputDocumentStats.DocumentOrigin] ON [i.InputDocumentStats].[DocumentOriginId] = [i.InputDocumentStats.DocumentOrigin].[DocumentOriginId]
LEFT JOIN [eroom].[Document] AS [i.InputDocumentStats.Document] ON [i.InputDocumentStats].[DocumentId] = [i.InputDocumentStats.Document].[DocumentId]
LEFT JOIN [eroom].[TransportationInput] AS [i.TransportationInput] ON [i].[InputId] = [i.TransportationInput].[InputId]
WHERE ((((([i].[HiddenStatus] = 0) AND ([i].[InputTypeId] = 1)) AND ([i].[ExportedStatusId] <> 3)) AND [i].[ImportStatusId] IN (1, 4, 5, 7)) AND ((([i.TransportationInput].[TransportationInputTypeId] = 1) AND [i].[BatchId] IS NULL) AND ([i].[DocumentOnlyStatus] = 0))) AND [i].[CompanyId] IN (1, 2, 3)

 public IQueryable<T> FindAsQueryableReadOnly(Expression<Func<T, bool>> where, params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] includeProperties)
            IQueryable<T> query = _dbSet.AsQueryable();
            query = IncludeProperties(includeProperties, query);
            return query.Where(where).AsNoTracking();
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