аргументы var: // ЧТО должно быть типа?
Метод rawQuery ожидает массив.
Я бы использовал
fun getDataV2(a: String, b: String, c: String): ArrayList<String> {
val rv = ArrayList<String>() //Return value
var sql = "SELECT * FROM $TABLE " //Core SQL ro always be used
val values = arrayOf(a, b, c) //Convert inputs to an array
val columns = arrayOf("a", "b", "c") //Likewise for the columns
val arguments = ArrayList<String>() //Initially 0 arguments
val whereclause = StringBuilder() //Initially empty whereclause
var after_first = false //Flag to indicate whether the first arg has been added
for (i in values.indices) { //Loop through values
if (values[i].length > 0) { //Is there a value?
if (after_first) { //Is this not the first value
whereclause.append(" AND ") //If it is not the first value add the ADD keyword
whereclause.append(columns[i]).append("=?") //if there is a value then add the expression
arguments.add(values[i]) // and then add the value to the arguments ArrayList
after_first = true // change flag to indicate that a value has been processed
// Add the WHERE keyword and the where clause if needed
if (whereclause.isNotEmpty()) {
sql = "$sql WHERE $whereclause"
//Prepare to run the rawQuery
val db = this.writableDatabase
//Run the rawQuery
val csr = db.rawQuery(sql, arguments.toTypedArray())
Log.d("GETDATAV2",sql + " Argcount =" + arguments.size) //TODO for testing, REMOVE before publising
//Populate the ArrayList to be returned from the Cursor
while (csr.moveToNext()) {
rv.add(csr.getString(csr.getColumnIndex(COLNAME))) //<<<<<<<<<< COLNAME assumed for testing
//CLose the Cursor
//Finally return the ArrayList
return rv
Использование следующего в упражнении для проверки ряда премий: -
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val dbHelper = DBHelperKotlin(this)
dbHelper.writableDatabase.delete(DBHelper.TABLE,null,null); //Delete any existing rows
// Add the testing data
dbHelper.add("Test1", "a", "b", "c")
dbHelper.add("Test2", "b", "c", "d")
dbHelper.add("Test3", "c", "d", "e")
dbHelper.add("Test4", "d", "e", "f")
//testing against older method removed (hence starting with 3)
val result3 = dbHelper.getDataV2("","","");
for (i in result3.indices) {
val result4 = dbHelper.getDataV2("","b","");
for (i in result4.indices) {
val result5 = dbHelper.getDataV2("a","b","c");
for (i in result5.indices) {
val result6 = dbHelper.getDataV2("a","","");
for (i in result6.indices) {
val result7 = dbHelper.getDataV2("","","c");
for (i in result7.indices) {
val result8 = dbHelper.getDataV2("a","","c");
for (i in result8.indices) {
Результаты в
05-26 12:23:36.452 3593-3593/? D/GETDATAV2: SELECT * FROM mytable Argcount =0
05-26 12:23:36.452 3593-3593/? D/TEST1V2RESULT: Test1
05-26 12:23:36.452 3593-3593/? D/TEST1V2RESULT: Test2
05-26 12:23:36.452 3593-3593/? D/TEST1V2RESULT: Test3
05-26 12:23:36.452 3593-3593/? D/TEST1V2RESULT: Test4
05-26 12:23:36.452 3593-3593/? D/GETDATAV2: SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE b=? Argcount =1
05-26 12:23:36.453 3593-3593/? D/TEST4V2RESULT: Test1
05-26 12:23:36.453 3593-3593/? D/GETDATAV2: SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE a=? AND b=? AND c=? Argcount =3
05-26 12:23:36.454 3593-3593/? D/TEST5V2RESULT: Test1
05-26 12:23:36.455 3593-3593/? D/GETDATAV2: SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE a=? Argcount =1
05-26 12:23:36.455 3593-3593/? D/TEST6V2RESULT: Test1
05-26 12:23:36.455 3593-3593/? D/GETDATAV2: SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE c=? Argcount =1
05-26 12:23:36.456 3593-3593/? D/TEST7V2RESULT: Test1
05-26 12:23:36.456 3593-3593/? D/GETDATAV2: SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE a=? AND c=? Argcount =2
05-26 12:23:36.458 3593-3593/? D/TEST8V2RESULT: Test1
С простой модификацией вышеупомянутое может быть намного более гибким и обслуживать любое количество столбцов в любой таблице (при условии, что столбцы существуют в указанной таблице) согласно: -
fun getDataV3(table: String, args: Array<String>, columns: Array<String>) : ArrayList<String> {
val rv = ArrayList<String>() //Return value
var sql = "SELECT * FROM $table " //Core SQL ro always be used
if (args.size != columns.size) {
// handle mismatch between columns and args??????
return rv
val arguments = ArrayList<String>() //Initially 0 arguments
val whereclause = StringBuilder() //Initially empty whereclause
var after_first = false //Flag to indicate whether the first arg has been added
for (i in args.indices) { //Loop through values
if (args[i].length > 0) { //Is there a value?
if (after_first) { //Is this not the first value
whereclause.append(" AND ") //If it is not the first value add the ADD keyword
whereclause.append(columns[i]).append("=?") //if there is a value then add the expression
arguments.add(args[i]) // and then add the value to the arguments ArrayList
after_first = true // change flag to indicate that a value has been processed
// Add the WHERE keyword and the where clause if needed
if (whereclause.isNotEmpty()) {
sql = "$sql WHERE $whereclause"
//Prepare to run the rawQuery
val db = this.writableDatabase
//Run the rawQuery
val csr = db.rawQuery(sql, arguments.toTypedArray())
Log.d("GETDATAV3",sql + " Argcount =" + arguments.size) //TODO for testing, REMOVE before publising
//Populate the ArrayList to be returned from the Cursor
while (csr.moveToNext()) {
//CLose the Cursor
//Finally return the ArrayList
return rv
И затем может быть вызван как: -
val result10 = dbHelper.getDataV3(DBHelperKotlin.TABLE,arrayOf("","",""), arrayOf(DBHelperKotlin.COLA,DBHelperKotlin.COLB,DBHelperKotlin.COLC))
for (i in result10.indices) {
val result11 = dbHelper.getDataV3(DBHelperKotlin.TABLE,arrayOf("","b",""), arrayOf(DBHelperKotlin.COLA,DBHelperKotlin.COLB,DBHelperKotlin.COLC))
for (i in result11.indices) {
В результате вышесказанного: -
05-26 12:52:24.444 3960-3960/aso.so56298529querywithmultileargs D/GETDATAV3: SELECT * FROM mytable Argcount =0
05-26 12:52:24.444 3960-3960/aso.so56298529querywithmultileargs D/TEST10V2RESULT: Test1
05-26 12:52:24.444 3960-3960/aso.so56298529querywithmultileargs D/TEST10V2RESULT: Test2
05-26 12:52:24.444 3960-3960/aso.so56298529querywithmultileargs D/TEST10V2RESULT: Test3
05-26 12:52:24.444 3960-3960/aso.so56298529querywithmultileargs D/TEST10V2RESULT: Test4
05-26 12:52:24.444 3960-3960/aso.so56298529querywithmultileargs D/GETDATAV3: SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE b=? Argcount =1
05-26 12:52:24.444 3960-3960/aso.so56298529querywithmultileargs D/TEST11V2RESULT: Test1