Вы должны await
для результата. Я полагаю, вы не ожидаете.
StdSchedulerFactory factory = new StdSchedulerFactory(props);
IScheduler scheduler = await factory.GetScheduler();
await scheduler.Start();
Здесь - полный пример из документации по Кварцу.
private static async Task RunProgram()
// Grab the Scheduler instance from the Factory
NameValueCollection props = new NameValueCollection
{ "quartz.serializer.type", "binary" }
StdSchedulerFactory factory = new StdSchedulerFactory(props);
IScheduler scheduler = await factory.GetScheduler();
// and start it off
await scheduler.Start();
// some sleep to show what's happening
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
// and last shut down the scheduler when you are ready to close your program
await scheduler.Shutdown();
catch (SchedulerException se)
await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync(se.ToString());