меня попросили написать код, чтобы узнать сумму зарплаты, в зависимости от того, данные приведены в массиве sting
String [] details = new String [] {"a, it, 100", "b, sales, 200", "c, hr, 300", "d, it, 150", "e, hr, 120", "F, продажа, 300"};
i am converting an string array of employee details to individual emp details [map object] and adding that map object to another map having key as dept of the current employee, i have successfully converted the details to individual employee map object but while adding this map obj to another map object like below
{ {dept,empDetailsObj}, {dept,empDetailsObj},
{dept,empDetailsObj} }
i am facing issue, my empDetailsObj is getting overridden by last record while the keys are still unique.
i have used TreeMap obj "empDetailsMap" and added each employee details in this format
{ name:a,dept:it,sal:100 }
I have used another TreeMap "empRecordsMap " to add the above individual record with dept as key which is expected to be like this
{ it= {dept=it,name=a,salary=100},
sales= {dept=sales, name=b, salary=200},
hr= {dept=hr, name=c, salary=120},
it= {dept=it, name=e, salary=250}}
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] details = new String[] {
List < String > empRecordList = new ArrayList();
Map eachEmpDetailsMap = new TreeMap();
Map eachEmpRecordMap = new TreeMap();
for (String records: details) {
String[] empRecord = records.split(",");
String[] keys = {
int i = 0;
String dept = "";
for (String info: empRecord) {
eachEmpDetailsMap.put(keys[i], info);
if (i == 1) {
dept = info;
System.out.print(dept + ":: ");
eachEmpRecordMap.put(dept, eachEmpDetailsMap);
Expected o/p:
{it = {dept=it,name=a,salary=100},
hr = {dept=hr, name=c, salary=120},
it = {dept=it, name=e, salary=250},
sales= {dept=sales, name=b, sal=200}}
Actual o/p:
last added value is replacing all existing keys's value.
{it={dept=sales, name=b, sal=200}, sales={dept=sales, name=b,