Прежде всего, чтобы создать модель Node
и способ генерации графа, мы должны сделать несколько предположений:
- это неориентированный граф
- расстояние между узлами равноценно или не имеет значения
потребует какой-то идентификационный номер
- генерация соседей относительно текущего
, следовательно, функциональность должна быть частью Node
- если мы не укажем предел,
может быть сгенерирован бесконечно, поэтому мы должны ввести понятие max_spread
Следовательно, код для Node
будет выглядеть так:
from copy import copy
def check_three_digits(value_name, digits):
assert len(digits) == 3, "The {} should be of precise length 3. Actual: {}".format(value_name, digits)
assert digits.isdigit(), "The {} should consist of 3 digits. Actual {}".format(value_name, digits)
class Node:
_node_count = 0
def __init__(self, data: str):
check_three_digits("data param", data)
self._id = Node._node_count
self._data = data
self._neighbours = []
Node._node_count += 1
def id(self):
return self._id
def data(self):
return copy(self._data)
def neighbours(self):
return copy(self._neighbours)
def add_neighbour(self, neighbour):
def _new_neighbour(self, data):
new_neighbour = Node(data)
return new_neighbour
def generate_neighbours(self, forbidden_nodes_digits=[]):
first_digit = self._data[0]
second_digit = self._data[1]
third_digit = self._data[2]
first_digit_num = int(first_digit)
second_digit_num = int(second_digit)
third_digit_num = int(third_digit)
sub_first_digit_num = first_digit_num - 1
add_first_digit_num = first_digit_num + 1
sub_second_digit_num = second_digit_num - 1
add_second_digit_num = second_digit_num + 1
sub_third_digit_num = third_digit_num - 1
add_third_digit_num = third_digit_num + 1
sub_first_digit_num = first_digit_num if sub_first_digit_num < 0 else sub_first_digit_num
add_first_digit_num = first_digit_num if add_first_digit_num > 9 else add_first_digit_num
sub_second_digit_num = second_digit_num if sub_second_digit_num < 0 else sub_second_digit_num
add_second_digit_num = second_digit_num if add_second_digit_num > 9 else add_second_digit_num
sub_third_digit_num = third_digit_num if sub_third_digit_num < 0 else sub_third_digit_num
add_third_digit_num = third_digit_num if add_third_digit_num > 9 else add_third_digit_num
for ndigits in [
"{}{}{}".format(str(sub_first_digit_num), second_digit, third_digit),
"{}{}{}".format(str(add_first_digit_num), second_digit, third_digit),
"{}{}{}".format(first_digit, str(sub_second_digit_num), third_digit),
"{}{}{}".format(first_digit, str(add_second_digit_num), third_digit),
"{}{}{}".format(first_digit, second_digit, str(sub_third_digit_num)),
"{}{}{}".format(first_digit, second_digit, str(add_third_digit_num)),
if ndigits in forbidden_nodes_digits:
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def __str__(self):
return "Node({})".format(self._data)
для генерации графа имеем:
def generate_nodes(node, end_node_digits, forbidden_nodes_digits, visited_nodes=None, current_spread=0, max_spread=4):
Handles the generation of the graph.
:node: the current node to generate neighbours for
:end_node_digits: the digits at which to stop spreading further the graph from the current spread.
:visited_nodes: Marks the nodes for which neighbours generation happened, to avoid repetition and infinite recursion.
:current_spread: Marks the current level at which neighbours are being generated.
:max_spread: Defined the max spread over which the graph should no longer generate neighbours for nodes.
# initialize the kwargs with None values
if visited_nodes is None:
visited_nodes = []
# mark the current node as visited
# no reason to generate further since we hit the max spread limit
if current_spread >= max_spread:
# generate the neighbours for the current node
# if we generated the end node, fall back, no need to generate further
if end_node_digits in [n.data for n in node.neighbours]:
# make sure to generate neighbours for the current node's neighbours as well
for neighbour in node.neighbours:
if neighbour.id in visited_nodes:
neighbour, end_node_digits, forbidden_nodes_digits,
visited_nodes=visited_nodes, current_spread=current_spread + 1, max_spread=max_spread
Алгоритм поиска в ширину для такой модели будет выглядеть так:
def bfs(node, end_node_digits, visited_nodes=None, path=None):
Looks for a specific digit sequence in the graph starting from a specific node.
:node: the node to start search from.
:end_node_digits: The digit sequence to look for.
:visited_nodes: The nodes for which BFS was already performed. Used to avoid infinite recursion and cyclic traversal.
:path: The search path that lead to this node.
# initialize the None kwargs
if visited_nodes is None:
visited_nodes = []
if path is None:
path = ""
path += "({}, {}) ".format(node.id, node.data)
# mark the current node as visited
# if we find the end node we can safely report back the match
if node.data == end_node_digits:
return path
# if the current node doesn't match the end node then we look into the neighbours
for neighbour in node.neighbours:
# exclude the visited nodes (obviously excluding the node that generated these nodes)
if neighbour.id in visited_nodes:
# do a BFS in the subdivision of the graph
result_path = bfs(neighbour, end_node_digits, visited_nodes, path)
# if a match was found in the neighbour subdivision, report it back
if result_path is not None:
return result_path
return None
Мы можем проиллюстрировать функциональность кода, написанного на примере input.txt
, например:
330 420
и блок __main__
, например:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# retrieve the nodes from the input file
start_node_digits = None
end_node_digits = None
forbidden_nodes_digits = []
with open("input.txt", "r") as pf:
start_node_digits = pf.readline().strip()
end_node_digits = pf.readline().strip()
forbidden_nodes_digits = pf.readline().split()
forbidden_nodes_digits = [fnode.strip() for fnode in forbidden_nodes_digits]
print("Start node digits: {}".format(start_node_digits))
print("End node digits: {}".format(end_node_digits))
print("Forbidden nodes digits: {}".format(forbidden_nodes_digits))
# validate the input nodes data
check_three_digits("start node", start_node_digits)
check_three_digits("end node", end_node_digits)
for fnode_digits in forbidden_nodes_digits:
check_three_digits("forbidden node", fnode_digits)
# create the first node and generate the graph
first_node = Node(start_node_digits)
print("Generate nodes for graph....")
max_spread = 2
generate_nodes(first_node, end_node_digits, forbidden_nodes_digits, max_spread=max_spread)
# poerform a BFS for a sequence of digits
print("BFS for {}".format(end_node_digits))
match_path = bfs(first_node, end_node_digits)
print("BFS search result: {}".format(match_path))
Мы могли бы также визуализировать график, используя следующие функции:
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def _draw_node(graph, node, visited_nodes=None):
# initialize kwargs with None values
if visited_nodes is None:
visited_nodes = []
# mark node as visited
for neighbour in node.neighbours:
if neighbour.id in visited_nodes:
graph.add_edge(node.id, neighbour.id)
nx.set_node_attributes(graph, {neighbour.id: {'data': neighbour.data}})
_draw_node(graph, neighbour, visited_nodes)
def draw_graph(first_node, start_node_digits, end_node_digits, forbidden_nodes_digits, fig_scale, fig_scale_exponent=1.2):
g = nx.Graph()
# add first node to the draw figure
nx.set_node_attributes(g, {first_node.id: {'data': first_node.data}})
_draw_node(g, first_node)
# prepare graph drawing
labels = nx.get_node_attributes(g, 'data')
fig = plt.figure(frameon=False)
INCH_FACTOR = 5 # inches
fig_scale = fig_scale ** fig_scale_exponent
fig.set_size_inches(fig_scale * INCH_FACTOR, fig_scale * INCH_FACTOR)
nodes_attributes = nx.get_node_attributes(g, 'data')
color_map = []
for n in g:
ndata = nodes_attributes[n]
if ndata == start_node_digits:
elif ndata == end_node_digits:
elif ndata in forbidden_nodes_digits:
# just in case something slips
# actually draw the graph and save it to a PNG.
g, with_labels=True, labels=labels, node_size=600,
# node_color='#e5e5e5',
font_weight='bold', font_size="10",
plt.savefig("graph.png", dpi=100)
, который можно вызвать в блоке __main__
, например:
print("Draw graph...")
draw_graph(first_node, start_node_digits, end_node_digits, forbidden_nodes_digits, fig_scale=max_spread, fig_scale_exponent=1)
График выглядит так:
Для которого результат BFS будет примерно таким: (0, 320) (1, 220) (10, 221)
Теперь я не уверен, полностью ли это соответствует спецификации, но это должно стать хорошей отправной точкой. Существует также несколько способов реализации графа, некоторые люди используют списки вершин и ребер.
Для networkx
вам потребуется установить через pip пакет pygraphviz
, а если вы работаете в Linux, вам может понадобиться sudo apt-get install graphviz libgraphviz-dev pkg-config