Это средний уровень (то есть уровень связи) схемы трехуровневой клиент-серверной архитектуры (с использованием запросов на извлечение) для проекта IoT, над которым я работаю для домашнего использования.
Однако я не могу запросить данные с сервера клиенту для работы.
Я перепробовал много вещей, но сейчас в замешательстве. Буду очень признателен за помощь и руководство
* Module Name : CommsLayer.js
* This is the communications layer of the three tier Server Client Architecture.
* The following is the algorithm for this module
* CreateServer(IPAddress, port)
* ReceiveClientIP(clientIP, port, jobID)
* ConnectToClient(clientIP, port, jobID)
* ServerSendsJobRequest(clientIP, jobID)
* ClientReturns(clientIP, jobID, sensorData)
* CloseClientConnetion(clientIP)
* Notes
* 1) The ClientComms() object (see below) will be passed into this module from main.js.
* var ClientComms = { // Client Comms Data
* clientIP :"", // This is just an example IP address, used for testing purposes.
* clientPort : 9000
* }; // End ClientComms
* Note : This will be JSON data.
* 2) The following data will be returned from the client (see client code listing)
* typedef struct // Sensor Data to send to Server
* {
* String clientIP;
* int jobID;
* string SensorData;
* } // End SensorData
* Note : This will be JSON data.
* 3) I have 'dummied' the following components;
* ClientComms( ... ) object - for current testing purposes - feel free to update this.
* 4) I have written this Node.JS code to comply with ES6 .
//'use strict'; // For some reason when I uncomment this line console.log becomes a compiler error - don't know why?
const ServerComms = { // Server Comms Data
serverIP :"",
serverPort : 9000
}; // End ClientComms
var ClientComms = { // Client Comms Data
clientIP :"",
clientPort : 9000
}; // End ClientComms
var ServerCall = { // Server job call to client
clientIP : ClientComms.clientIP, // '', Same as ClientComms.clientIP
jobID : 1
}; // End ServerCall
const net = require('net');
class MyServer {
constructor() {
this.address = ServerComms.serverIP;
this.port = ServerComms.serverPort;
} // End constructor
init() {
let server = this;
let onClientConnected = (socket) => {
console.log(`Sending request job to RSU : ${ServerComms.serverPort} ${ServerComms.serverIP}`);
server.socket.write( ServerCall.clientIP, ServerCall.jobID ); // Send request and data to client so that client can respond with remote sensor data.
let clientName = `${ClientComms.clientIP} : ${ClientComms.clientPort}`;
console.log(`New client is connected: ${clientName}`);
socket.on('data', (clientData) => {
console.log(`${clientName} Says: ${clientData}`);
socket.only('close', () => {
console.log(`Connection from ${clientName} closed`);
socket.on('error', (err) => {
console.log(`Connection ${clientName} error: ${err.message}`);
}; // End onClientConnect.
//server.connection = net.createServer(onClientConnected);
server.connection = net.createServer( onClientConnected, function(){
console.log(`Server created at: ${ServerComms.serverIP} : ${ServerComms.serverPort}`);
server.connection.listen(ServerComms.serverPort, ServerComms.serverIP, function() {
console.log(`Server started at: ${ServerComms.serverIP} : ${ServerComms.serverPort}`);
}); // End server.connection.listen
} // End init
} // End class Server
module.exports = MyServer;