Вот несколько эффективных решений, которые не используют set
, в основном о том, как избежать вставки дублированного элемента.
# To handle duplication, just avoid inserting a number before any of its duplicates.
def permuteUnique1(nums):
ans = [[]]
for n in nums:
new_ans = []
for l in ans:
for i in range(len(l) + 1):
new_ans.append(l[:i] + [n] + l[i:])
if i < len(l) and l[i] == n: break # handles duplication
ans = new_ans
return ans
# Duplication happens when we insert the duplicated element before and after the same element,
# to eliminate duplicates, just insert only after the same element.
def permuteUnique2(nums):
if not nums:
return []
ans = [[]]
for n in nums:
new_ans = []
l = len(ans[-1])
for seq in ans:
for i in range(l, -1, -1):
if i < l and seq[i] == n:
new_ans.append(seq[:i] + [n] + seq[i:])
ans = new_ans
return ans
# Build the list of permutations one number at a time, insert the number into each already built permutation
# but only before other instances of the same number, never after.
def permuteUnique3(nums):
perms = [[]]
for n in nums:
perms = [p[:i] + [n] + p[i:]
for p in perms
for i in range((p + [n]).index(n) + 1)]
return perms
# or as "one-liner" using reduce:
from functools import reduce
def permuteUnique4(nums):
return reduce(lambda perms, n: [p[:i] + [n] + p[i:]
for p in perms
for i in range((p + [n]).index(n) + 1)],
nums, [[]])
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