Я создаю небольшой проект для школы.Я был в состоянии создать функцию, которая выполняет рабочий запрос (проверено с использованием SQL).
Я получаю ошибку;Обратите внимание: я пытаюсь получить свойство 'tourName' необъекта в E: \ Programs \ XAMPP \ htdocs \ Esports \ View \ Tournament.php в строке 34.
, но я получаю это для всех из них?не уверен почему.
Если бы кто-нибудь мог помочь, я был бы благодарен.
Мой код указан ниже.
my DataAccess.php Функция, которая выполняет запрос;
function getAllTourament()
global $pdo;
$statement = $pdo ->prepare (' SELECT tournament.tournamentName,
FROM tournament, game, sponsors, venue
WHERE tournament.gameID = game.gameID AND tournament.sponsorID = sponsors.sponsorID AND tournament.venueID = venue.venueID
ORDER by tournament.tournamentName, console, no_of_players, prize , gName , sponsorName , venue_name,venue_location, venue_date, venue_time');
$result = $statement;
return $result;
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
require_once ("../Model/dataAccess.php");
require_once ("../Model/Game.php");
require_once ("../Model/Tournament.php");
require_once ("../Model/Sponsor.php");
require_once ("../Model/Venue.php");
$allTournament = getAllTourament();
//$allTournament = getAllT();
Просмотр Tournament.php
require_once ("../Controller/allTournament.php");
require "header.php";
<th>Tournament Name</th>
<th>No Of Players</th>
<th>Game Name </th>
<th>Sponsor Name </th>
<th>Venue Name </th>
<th>Venue Location </th>
<th>Venue Date </th>
<th>Venue time </th>
<tr> <?php foreach ($allTournament as $Tview): ?>
<td><?= $Tview-> tournamentName ?> </td>
<td><?= $Tview-> console ?> </td>
<td><?= $Tview-> no_of_players ?> </td>
<td><?= $Tview-> prize ?> </td>
<td><?= $Tview-> gName ?> </td>
<td><?= $Tview-> sponsorName ?> </td>
<td><?= $Tview-> venue_name ?> </td>
<td><?= $Tview-> venue_location ?> </td>
<td><?= $Tview-> venue_date ?> </td>
<td><?= $Tview-> venue_time ?> </td>
</tr><?php endforeach ?>
require "footer.php";
class Tournament {
// private $gameId;
private $tournamentName;
private $console;
private $no_of_players;
private $prize;
/* magic getter and setter */
function __get($name)
return $this->$name;
function __set ($name, $value)
$this->$name = $value;
Модель Game.php
class Game {
// private $gameId;
private $gName;
private $rating;
private $genre;
private $price;
private $date;
/* magic getter and setter */
function __get($name)
return $this->$name;
function __set ($name, $value)
$this->$name = $value;
Модель Venue.php
class Venue {
// private $id;
private $venue_name;
private $venue_location;
private $venue_time;
private $venue_date;
private $venue_seats;
/* magic getter and setter */
function __get($name)
return $this->$name;
function __set ($name, $value)
$this->$name = $value;
Модель Sponsor.php
class Sponsor
private $sponsorName;
private $sponsorWsite;
private $sponsorType;
private $sponsorLength;
function __get($name) {
return $this->$name;
function __set($name, $value) {
$this->$name = $value;